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Rachel's P.O.V

   As soon as the Female Titan spots me, she begins to try and swat me out of the air, still occasionally stomping the ground in order to collapse the canal. Using the sharp tips of my wings, I leave plenty of scars all over her body, but I stay on alert. Her injuries always heal, much to my chagrin.  My own minor wounds don't heal quickly enough– and this is slightly frustrating in a sense that means she can keep fighting even if she sustains minor injuries, while I can't.

Unfortunately, Annie manages to snag my wing while I am flying past, causing me to spiral out of the air and land harshly on the blood-ridden brick road. My ears perk up at the sound of wires being shot out of a soldier's 3DMG, and I glance over to see a cloaked figure zoom out of the entrance of the underground tunnel.

Armin?! To my right, another set of wires are fired and another figure emerges out of a gaping hole in the ground. Mikasa... But where's Eren? The Female Titan instantly locks on to Mikasa's form as the smaller being flies straight for her, trying to kill Annie at all costs. It is a dangerous dance– Mikasa slicing at Annie in attempts to cause major damage, whilst the Female Titan retaliates with quick swipes and, consequently, strong gusts of wind.  While they are fighting ruthlessly, I turn my head and spot Armin with his hood drawn back, appearing to dig through some rubble. Tilting my head in confusion, I spread my wings and launch myself into the air, flying to his side within a few seconds.

"Armi–"  I gasp as I see Eren, his upper torso just visible from underneath some boulders from one of the collapsed tunnels. "Eren!" The blond glances at me, his face streaked with tears.

"We have to dig him out!" I kneel by Armin's side, beginning to lift the larger boulders Armin doesn't have the strength to move.

"What happened down there?" The teen shakes his head.  I am overwhelmed by the smell of fear and frustration radiating off his form.

"Eren couldn't transform. The thought that the Female Titan is Annie must've held him back!"

"He couldn't... do it?" I whip around as a male's voice reaches my ears, only to relax when I discover it to be Jean. The two-toned brunette stands behind us, shock contorting his features and posture stiff as a board.  I observe him for a moment longer, taking into account the stone brewing behind his eyes.  I bow my head to him and turn to Armin.

"Listen Armin, try and get him out as soon as possible. I believe the Female Titan will try to take him away if she finds him in this state." I then spread my wings and flap them with extra force, rocketing in the air and speeding towards Annie. So, the identity of this enemy was such a shock to Eren that he couldn't transform... I wonder who she was to him?

My thoughts are brought to an abrupt end as the Titan throws a boulder at Armin, Jean, and Eren. I screech in warning, my heart skipping a few beats as the boulder crashes to the ground, throwing dust and debris into the air.  I force myself to land on a building when my wings also flutter to a halt, responding to my panic.  A breath of relief escapes me when I spy Jean pulling Armin out of harm's way through the settling dust. I am now even more worried for Eren, but decide to focus on the more serious threat. Mikasa lands on a rooftop two buildings over, and I quickly race to her side when the Female Titan is distracted trying to immobilize other soldiers.

"Are you alright?" The girl grits her teeth and glares up at the Female Titan.

"I won't let her take Eren!" I nod as I pat her back.  She shoots me an apprehensive look, but seems to read to direness of the situation.  She lets me lower my hand back to my side on my own.

"Neither will I, Mikasa." Looking up at the Female, I glance around at my surroundings to look for a way to distract her, and see Hanji a few blocks down. I roll my eyes at the trap she had set up that is concealed behind some fake wooden walls, but decide to jump at the chance to stop Annie. Leaping off the roof, I wait until I am nearer to the ground before spreading my wings, the feathery appendages easily lifting me up into the air. Despite my flying exercises, I grunt at the effort it takes to maneuver my wings into a steady position quickly.  I dive for the Titan's eye, managing to slice her cheek before zooming off, coaxing the monster into following me.

It takes a few distractions and cutbacks to get Annie to run past the trap without noticing, but once she's realized what Hanji has planned, it's too late. Spiked nets shoot out of cannon-shaped launchers, pinning the Female to the ground with no escape. I land on the ground a little roughly, breathing heavily. The drag on my wings is becoming more of a burden as the time I spend flying wears on.  I gently tuck them as I watch the Female Titan glance around, attempting to find a way to escape from her trap.  I shudder when her icy gaze sweeps past me, and opt to keep my distance.

Hanji dashes out of hiding and dances around the Female's head, clapping her hands as if she is a child who's just received a year's worth of candy. I shake my head as I finally catch my breath, keeping an eye on Annie as she narrows her eyes when Hanji threatens her with a sword.  That's... probably not advisable.

"Hanji, I will be more cau–"  I growl, my heart jumping into my throat as many splintering cracks separate the netting from the wooden traps.  Hanji and most of the soldiers use their gear to acquire a safe distance from the enemy as she begins to rise, glaring down at any unfortunate enough to remain near her.  Having broken free of her imprisonment, the Titan swipes at all of the humans nearest to her.  I jump up and extend my wings, ignoring the sting of pain that shoots through my shoulder blades as Annie rips any stray net fibers and hooks from her body.  I glare at her in anger before a blast of lightening illuminates the town a few streets down, bringing with it the sound of a very familiar roar.

   So... Eren has finally decided to join the fight. I smirk in triumph as Eren's heavy footsteps begin to shake the earth.  Now, the real fight begins.

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