Character Description

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   So, an idea struck me after I had written the last chapter in this story.  I decided I should probably describe Rachel.  I didn't do it before now because I can always picture the characters in my mind, but then I realized that you can't actually picture what I'm thinking of, because you're not telepathic XD. Well, here goes nothing;

   Rachel has long, blonde hair and green eyes.  Her wings each span 20 feet in length, and the feathers are a bright, clean white which shimmer when hit just right by sunlight.  She's often seen wearing a plain, white button down shirt (like the shirts underneath the Survey Corps jacket), along with plain brown, Survey-Corps'-style pants, and short brown boots.  (She basically wears the Survey Corps uniform without the jacket and all the gear, and with shorter boots.)  She's very defensive about people touching or coming near her wings, as she's had a bad past with the Military Police.

   Rachel has a kind personality, and usually comes off as stiff when you first meet her.  Eventually, she'll warm up to you, and show a sarcastic side you never knew she had.  She has a special place in her heart for those she respects and can really connect with.  She has a habit of taking on a leadership role when people around her are in danger, even if Erwin and Levi are around (especially Levi, she seems to dislike him XD). She cares about the soldiers who venture outside the walls after watching them for so many years, but tries to stay hidden, as she has a hard time trusting anyone immediately.

   (Pic above is of Rachel without wings– and the girl's hair is braided, although most of the time Rachel's hair is left flowing down her shoulders in a messy style.)

   Thanks for reading this and being patient with my inability to describe characters early on in the story!  See you in the next chapter~


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