And Her Future

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Rachel realizes just how ridiculous her plan is the moment she makes contact with the rough bark of the tree she had launched herself at.

"Rachel! Are you okay?" Armin's worried voice carries to the female as she positions herself on a low branch, sighting out her next landing point.

"Yes young one, I am fine. I thank you for your concern." The winged girl then launches herself to an even higher branch, repeating the process over and over until she sits at the very top of the 75-meter-tall tree she had 'climbed.' Her limbs feel heavy and her wings even more so, but as soon as she spots the edge of the forest not too far away, new energy fills her. Leaping from the tree, Rachel falls before spreading her wings and pumping them hard, successfully resulting in a semi-soft landing.  And I thought the adjustment to my white wings after the first time of using my healing power was hard...

   Erwin approaches her.

   "Do you know which way to go?"  The girl nods, and points in the direction where the tree line ends, giving way to vast, open plains.  She kneels close to the ground, her wings extended and laying splayed out on the dirt behind her as she catches her breath.  The simple task of landing has taken so much out of her, she closes her eyes in frustration before smoothing her features in resolution.

   "That is the correct direction.  I suggest we move quickly– the plains are not far, but neither is our enemy."  The man nods in understanding before ordering the troops to follow him. Rachel sticks close to Hanji, as well as Armin and his friends as the group jogs toward their destination at a quick pace. Rachel shudders once she realizes that the thumping has stopped.

"Everyone!" Her call rings out, a hint of panic laced with it. "Run!" The soldiers break out into a dead sprint, beads of sweat sliding down their faces out of fear rather than exhaustion. Glancing back over her shoulder, the girl spots two familiar glowing, blue eyes above in the darkness. Her own irises widen in fear as she sprints to the front of the group, guiding the soldiers to the tree line.  Just as they break through the barrier leading to their destination, one of the Survey Corps curses.

   "It's the Female Titan!"  And indeed, the words ring true– the known Female is standing not fifty meters away from Rachel, who skids to a stop.  The glowing eyes peer out from the darkness of a tree's shadow behind her, and Rachel swallows in fear.  They are truly stuck now.

   "Eren!  At the ready!"  The blonde girl glances over at Erwin, who is staring intently at the boy with brown hair and teal eyes.  The boy swallows and nods, raising his hand to his mouth, ready to follow the order when a familiar ear-splitting screech pierces their ears.  Rachel pumps her fist in the air.

   "Yes!"  She then turns towards Erwin.  "It's the Guardian! Let's get ready to escape!" Just as she finishes her statement, the Male Titan with poison-tipped tree-branch fingers flies over their heads, sliding into the dirt until he is lying in front of the Female. An armored Titan appears at the edge of the trees, her face morphing with fury. Her eyes– hidden by long, black hair– land on the group below her, and she suddenly smiles, putting two fingers to her temple.

Rachel laughs as she returns the gesture and then motions for her friend to pick her up. The soldiers shift uneasily around the two, and the enemies don't move from their position in favor of analyzing their chances of victory.  Fable reaches down and sets the winged girl on her palm, bringing her up to her face.

"Listen up! We need your help distracting those two Rogues–"  Rachel points to the Female and Male, who are stalking forward at a steady pace. "Can you do it?" The Titan nods, and gently sets Rachel down on the ground, preparing to charge forward. 

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