4: Meet Again

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Pumped Up Kicks - Foster The People


"So the social events a.k.a Welcome Week happens during everyone's first week of lectures? How stupid! The reason they call it Welcome Week is so everyone is welcomed into campus during the first full week not the second." Laura complained.

"I guess that's how it goes here," Luke said.

We were all sat in the kitchen for breakfast before our first class this morning. Last week we all spent most of our time together getting to know each other without the improper use of alcohol and walking around campus.

After the Saturday before, we all agreed no alcohol for a while. Laura ended up almost sleeping with Damien apparently. Lucas and I found them half naked on top of each other in Damien's room.  

We literally had to rush to put our clothes on and get to the Assembly hall at the heart of the campus. We were the walking dead. I fell asleep through half of it.

"So," Luke said as he clapped his hands together. "What's everyone's lecture today?"

"Modern Europe," Laura, Damien and I said at the same time.

"Well, I have art but it isn't really a lecture. More like an intervention. Great start to a Tuesday morning isn't it? I feel sorry for you; Laura and Evie, this is your first class and I bet you wanna kill yourselves already."

We laughed at little. Out of all three of them, in order, I'd have to say I was closer to Lucas then Laura then Damien. Since that little incident the week before, me and Luke have been talking more and getting to know each other. It isn't in an 'I'm secretly trying to get into your pants' way but a brother and sister way. He was great.

Laura and I have spent some time together sometimes with Luke sometimes just us two. She's a very energetic girl. And Damien? Well, the only time we ever talked was times like now or if it was just us two in a room. He's still an acquaintance.

I looked down at my watch. "It's almost half eleven. Time to get going."

Damien groaned. "I hate this already."

"Well think about it." Laura said. "Modern Europe is twice a week. Today and tomorrow. We have every class at least twice so you should live."

Damien sighed and hit his head against the breakfast table. 

Lucas chuckled.

I went back into my room to grab my bag. I glanced at myself in the mirror one last time to make sure everything was okay. I raked my fingers through my hair and smiled a little. A pair of jeans, a grey wool scarf and a long sleeve white shirt. Simple. Effective.

Laura stood at my door with a smile. "Come on, Evie. We have to find the damn classroom."

I chuckled lightly. "I'm sure there will be other people looking for it apart from us."

She shrugged. "I want to get good seats."

We said our goodbye's to Lucas and made our way out. We took a bus to the Academic Quadrangle. It said on my schedule that most of my lectures would be here some might occasionally be in a classroom, some might be in the Images Theatre.

We stopped outside and looked at the building. It was gorgeous. Four story building; the walkway was huge, students everywhere were strolling towards there first class. I could see the difference between the first years and the others. The freshmen's were constantly looking down at a map or standing there looking confused while the others were rushing around or casually strolling inside.

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