41: My Pleasurable Distraction

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I didn't wanna give too much detail that made it p*rographic ruining the intimacy between them or too little


As we made our way into his silent and empty living room, I realised just how silent and empty it was. It's never been so quiet. There was a quiet buzz in my ear from the ringing silence.

Michael swerved toward the kitchen. "Do you want anything? A glass of water?"

I shook my head and made my way upstairs. I numbly placed myself at the edge of his bed.

If Katherine or Anastasia saw it sooner, would they've had time to stop it? Was John following Aaron? Or was it just the witches watching him tonight?

I felt the warm tears rolling down my cheeks before I even realised I was crying... Once again. I hated crying. I wasn't exactly a pretty crier. Hell, who was? Your face contorts horribly and I get those red splotches on my cheeks that make me look like a four year old.

Hands suddenly curled around my arms to yank me up off the bed. My body shook in his arms as I sobbed my heart out. His hands moved up and down my back soothingly.

But it did nothing for me. Nothing. Crying also did nothing. Because it doesn't change the fact my brother was in hospital. It doesn't change he'd lost an abnormal amount of blood and is still living and breathing to tell the tale.

"Stay calm." He whispered in my ear.

A wave of anger flushed through me and I pushed at his chest. He didn't let go. He wouldn't. "Get off."

"No." He held my face in his hands to get me to look at him but I refused.

I looked like shit and I felt like shit.

He finally let go after a hard push at his chest. "Don't tell me to stay calm. Don't you dare tell me to stay calm. My brother is in that hospital because of me. My brother is hanging on to life by a single thread because of me."

His eyes were staring at me blankly.

"Y-you think I wanted my family in this? You think I wanted anyone I knew to get involved in this?" I let out a horrible sigh of defeat. My tear ducts suddenly unable to produce anything more. Have I given up? Has my body given up?

We stood opposite each other not saying a word. His body language was practically screaming to come toward me. Mine was replying to those screams. I wanted his arms around me. I wanted him to hold me. Touch me. Kiss me. Say everything was going to be okay. Soothe me. Tuck my hair behind my ear and kiss my forehead.

He stepped forward after a moment. His hands curled around my upper arms. Our chests pushed together, his forehead pressed to mine.

"Everything is going be fine." He said like he'd read my thoughts. "I will personally rip whoever touched your brother's head off. I will do that for you because I care about you. Because I love you. Because everything in my heart aches for you to just look at me without that frown on your beautiful face." He kissed my cheeks, my chin, my eye lids, my eyebrows... "Look at me."

I did exactly as he told me and before I could even think, he was kissing me. His hands cupped my cheeks as if they were the most fragile things on earth. They slowly but surely moved and gripped my waist to his body. I wrapped my arms around his neck, pressing myself to him even more. I needed this. I needed him.

My heart pounded in my chest as I broke away from the kiss. We stared at each other, intensity clear in both of our features and eyes. Our breath hanging in the air as the tension rolled around us.

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