6: "Party In The Forest (Where's Laura?)"

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planned this chapter before I even wrote the first one!
The Wombats - Party in the Forest (Where's Laura?) 


Chapter 6

Party in the Forest (Where's Laura?)

"You know what I've realized?"

Kate and I looked to Laura. "What?" Kate asked.

"That this was the best idea Damien has ever given you, Evie." She stared down at the football field and followed the ball with her eyes.

I hugged myself to keep warm. It was a grey day... Again. Laura, Kate and I were all sat on the highest row of the bleachers watching the boys practice. We had our arms pressed to each other to keep warm.

All of the boys were in their red football jerseys either doing laps, doing plays or stretching. Laura looked like she was having a field day, Katherine wasn't as interested but she did look at the occasional boy. Me? I wasn't really paying much attention but the game in general seemed interesting. 

"We've been out here for an hour now, where the hell is the hot coach." Laura said.

I watched as Damien threw the ball across half of the football field to the receiver. "I'm not sure." I said.

Damien glanced up here and waved. All three of us waved in unison and sighed. "We should watch Lucas practice next." Kate said.

"Hello." Laura said in a sing song voice. "Look who's finally shown up." She suddenly sat up right as her eyes stayed glued to a particular spot on the field. "And look who's with him. I guess gorgeous men stick together, eh?"

I followed her gaze and saw a blonde unfamiliar man and one I've just managed to push out of my mind. Mr. Reeves and the coach walked across the field talking enthusiastically about something.

From what I could see of the man he was breath taking. Not as much as Mr. Reeves but he was still unbelievably gorgeous. 

Laura stood up and moved down half of the rows to sit in the middle row of the bleachers. Kate and I smiled at each other and followed. Now that I could get a better look at the coach, I was right; totally gorgeous.

Straight jaw, short dirty blonde hair shooting out of his baseball cap, light hazel eyes, crooked smile. 

He looked like a real charmer. 

I scoffed slightly under my breath. Yes, this man was beautiful but just by looking at his muscular build and his smile, he was a true charmer. 

"What's up with you?" Kate asked with clear amusement in her voice. Sometimes I wondered if this girl knew what I was thinking because she was always either laughing when she asked me something or smirking. 

"Nothing," I said.

I saw Mr. Reeves' eyes flicker toward us for a moment before going back to the Coach. He laughed about something and they both grabbed each other's hands. Something in their exchange told me that they've known each other for a long time. The way Mr. Reeves smiled was so care free compared to some of the tight ones he gave. 

"Anyone know this man's name so at least I know what to scream in my dreams?" Laura said dreamily.

Katherine and I giggled. 

"Sorry no," I said.

But Kate cleared her throat. "John Harris!" She yelled.

Laura pushed up against my side as her eyes widened and moved over to the field to see if they heard. Oh, he heard. He looked over, smirked and waved.

Kate wiggled her fingers like an old friend would and started laughing.

"Don't you think this is kind of sad?" I said.

"Nope," Laura said as she rested her head on my shoulder.

I glanced to the further side of the bleachers. "Look at them over there,"

She looked at the group of girls drooling over everyone and giggling every five seconds. 

"Don't you think they look a bit sad?"

"Of course they look sad. You know why? Because they're calling out to the boys, flashing some leg even though it's like minus 30 degrees out here and showing off their boobs."

Kate laughed.

"Well, we've done one of those things." I said with a smile. "We just called down to Coach Harris."

"Correction! Katherine did and I think she knows him?" Laura leaned over me to look Kate in the eye. 

She shook her head. "Nope. I'm just a flirt." She winked.

Both Laura and I giggled.

The girls brought up a conversation about some of their classes while, despite my best abilities, I watched Mr. Reeves. He nodded at some of the boys as he practically floated over to the lower row of the bleachers.

"Evie, what are you wearing tonight?"

I brought my attention back to Laura. "I'm not sure. It's a bonfire so I'll wear something warm." I shrugged.

Coach Harris blew the whistle and the boys stopped whatever they were doing. All three of us started making our way down passing Mr. Reeves on the way. I hadn't seen him since my last lecture. I hadn't said anything to anyone about... well, anything. I'm debating on whether to tell Laura that Mr. Reeves was the man from the laundry room. But I wouldn't know what she would think. Actually, I don't think she'll judge me. She looked keen on getting Coach Harris as it was.

Damien ran up to us and took his helmet off. "Hey girls. So, not bad huh?"

I had to admit, it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. 

"Not bad at all," Laura said as she linked arms with him. We followed him as he walked toward Coach Harris.

"Good job today," 

Just as I suspected. His voice was sweet. Alluring. 

"Considering the fact that you weren't even here for practice, yeah I did do a good job." Damien chuckled with him. 

"I apologize," Coach Harris smiled a picture perfect smile. I glanced at Katherine and she looked like she wanted to roll her eyes. I just wanted to laugh at her facial expression. 

The attractive man looked to me and smiled. "Friends of yours, Damien?"

He nodded and pointed to each of us. "Laura, Evangeline, Katherine." 

Laura made it looked like she was barely interested when it was completely there in her body language and Kate just waved. I nodded my head and smiled.

"Nice to meet you all," He glanced at me one last time before turning back to Damien. "You all better get home and rested if you're going to the bonfire tonight. You'll be seeing me and Michael there," He pointed over to the bench. "Count on it."

Laura smiled briefly but I could see that inside she was dancing with joy.

We all said our goodbyes and started walking toward our house. I had one last look at Mr. Reeves before stepping out of view. He looked like he was in deep conversation with Coach Harris. 
I wonder if I'll see either of them tonight. Knowing my luck, I probably will.


Sink Into Meजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें