38: Not Bad

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Apologies for mistakes :/


I sat in Michael's kitchen Saturday morning with my head in my hands. My body was trembling from the small chill I still had in my bones and my mouth was as dry as the desert. Why did I have class today? I was such a mess.

Michael sent me home as soon as I walked into his class Wednesday morning. He'd taken one look at me, asked me to step out of the class and had practically pushed me out of the front doors. I'd missed his class and poetry. Plus, yesterday's and Thursday's classes, modern lit and poetry again. 

Michael had picked me up Wednesday evening assuming I was sick from when I'd been out in the blizzard. To be honest, I was a little bit. I had a bit of the sniffles and Michael's been the best person in the world by checking up on me on his breaks and coming straight home after work to look after me. He was too damn wonderful. No, he was a saint. 

He cooked me food, got me like three boxes of tissues, one for each day the minor cold would probably last which was correct. 

I inhaled sharply to make sure my damned nose didn't drip. Uh. I felt like shit, I probably looked like it as well. And Michael kept asking me why I wanted him to stay away from him. He said me being sick wouldn't do a thing to him even if he kissed me on the lips. But it was just the fact I was sick. It's gross!

I had to leave in five minutes to get to class. The snow was still on the ground but the roads were clear. 

Oh, I still haven't told Michael yet.

I've been sick, how the hell could I? I've literally been a zombie. Whenever I did try to tell him, I'd either have a coughing fit, sneezing fit or my voice would just disappear.

Started Tuesday night ended Saturday morning. I feel a whole lot better but I still had a pink nose and have to carry around a tissue box. 

I lifted my head from my hands and pulled my hair out of my face into a loose ponytail. 

"Are you going in today?"

I turned my head to the side and nodded. "I have to. It's my last History lesson for Greek Civilisation before the holidays. And I need to hand in my essay."

"I almost forgot. This semester ends Tuesday." He lifted my chin with his fingers to look me in the eye. "How are you feeling? You sound a lot better."

"I do feel better. Considering the fact you didn't let me leave the house once since Wednesday."

"I didn't want you getting worse." He pecked my forehead. "Do you want me to take you in?"

I shook my head. "I need to put a bundle of the clothes back in my room ready for the next trip to the infamous laundry room."

"I can do that for you. I've done it twice already."

I stood up and wrapped my arms around his strong waist. I rested my head on his shoulder with a sigh and let his warm strong arms embrace me. "You are wonderful."

"I care about you so you should know by now that your well-being isn't a responsibility. I want to look after you, not because I have to but because I want to." He pressed his lips to the scar on my hairline on the top of my forehead.

"I'll drive myself and be back around twelve." I smiled as I stepped out of his arms to pick up my bag.

"My arms will be open until you step back into them." 

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