47: Avalanche

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2000 fans mark* (2016 note: holy moly a lot has changed.)


"Evie, give me your phone you've been on it all morning."

I sent Chelsea a frown. "I'm trying to get hold of Michael."

"You've been trying all morning." She filled her mouth with already made salad sold in the mess hall. Amy was still smiling from this morning so she didn't bother involving herself with this conversation. "Come on, try in the evening. Give me the phone."

 I held the phone to my chest as if it were my baby. "No."

 "Give it to me, Evie." She reached for it. "I'll give it back to you later."

I looked down at the phone with a sigh. All morning I'd been trying to get hold of Michael. Katherine said he was still sleeping and she even sent me a cute picture of it. I couldn't disturb him, he looked so tired. I'd have to tell him about Tate later on. It's been an eventful morning what with that spectacular prank from Amy and John's constant questioning. But the skiing this morning has helped me keep my mind busy.

"Set for later?" Chelsea asked after tucking my phone into her pocket.

I raised a brow in question.

"The race?" She smiled.

"Oh, come on you weren't being serious were you?" Amy asked after she dropped her crusts on the plate. "Where are you going to do it anyway?"

"The slopes in the evening of course. They won't be as packed and we can go a bit higher, didn't I already explain this?"

I shook my head. "Not really."

"I don't want to go too high, Chels. I don't want to cripple myself from a cliff jump, do you?"

"Of course not. And we won't because we won't be going extremely high you lemon." She giggled. "We'll take one of those bigger snowmobiles up. I was talking to this guy that works here and-"

"You managed to get him to agree to let us use one." Amy finished for her. "Of course you did."

"Be quiet, I am not that predictable."

"Yes you are."

"You know, technically, I'm still not talking to you from this morning."

"Come on, Chels, stop being a child."

"What you did was mean!"

"If you were hung over, it would have been ten times worse."

"Girls." I laughed. "Seriously, be quiet."

Amy fixed her glasses on her nose and winked. "Chels is just sad she couldn't get the cream out of her hair this morning."


"After the third scrub to the scalp, it just wasn't working," Amy carried on. "That poor blonde head of hair of yours." She patted her head and ducked when Chelsea aimed to hit her.

"I don't know how I ever managed to put up with you two." I chuckled.


Amy and I weren't exactly paying attention to the ride up the mountain that evening at seven o'clock. Although, I wish we were. I hadn't even realised we'd been riding straight up and past the lights for twenty minutes. I swung myself off the snowmobile after it stopped and dropped to sit on the fresh snow.

"We aren't supposed to be this high..." Amy mumbled as she swung off herself. "This is unmarked snow."

"Amy's right." I sighed.

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