35: Loosen Up

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"Jesus, Evie slow down before you fall off!"

I directed my gaze to John but didn't listen. "I have two more minutes." I panted.

He leaned his arms on the front of the treadmill. "I thought the whole reason for us being here is so we could finish talking."

I pressed the button to slow down the machine and came to a steady slow walk before turning it off. "We will."

"When? After you work yourself to death? Come on, your muscles are going to kill you."

I stepped off and glanced around the half empty gym. It was almost six o'clock in the evening and I honestly thought it'd be packed especially on a Friday. 

"Come on Evie, I can see that you've wanted to say something since we've been here." He sat down and lay back on the weight lifting station. There were so many weights attached to both sides of the pole even a few males were glancing at it like, 'no way could he lift that'. Except John practically flipped them off as he curled his fingers around the pole and did a few reps without even shaking. Vampire strength.

"I don't see why you do this. You're practically carrying the weight of a car."

He chuckled effortlessly as he continued to do rep after rep. "Evie, honey. Tell me what's on your mind."

I sat down on a similar weight station but leaned on my knees. I wiped my hand across my sweaty forehead and sighed. "I don't know if I can do this anymore."

John paused in mid air, holding it above his head like it was a sheet of paper. "Do what."

"I can't... Lie to him. I can't."

John put the weights back onto the stand and sat up. "Evie..."

"It's been eating at me all week," I told him. Monday morning, John and I met again at the same coffee shop except this time all I told him about this meeting is that he took me and threatened that someone would drink from my brother. I didn't tell him anymore just in case. But I didn't lie to him either. "I'm dying of guilt, John. Michael is my heart now; I can't stand lying to him. I can't bare it."

John gave me a heartfelt look. "It's going to be okay--"

"No, no." I squeezed my eyes shut and dropped my head into my hands. "It's not going to be okay. I don't know how long this will last. I don't know when we will finally get hold of these vampires. I don't want to lie to him anymore. I can't do it, John."

I felt his hands around my bare arms and lift me. I was wearing my stretchy tight three-quarter length black shorts and a grey sports top from the Nike store. God, I hate sport bras. They were all tight and confined. Although I had to admit, they were comfortable at times. 

He was very, very careful when he took my right arm and removed it from my face. My arm was healing perfectly. The bone was still bruised but if Michael hadn't given me his... You know... It would be completely broken. The bruise on my arm was still slightly yellow but hey. Can't be perfect. 

He removed my left arm as well and stared into my eyes. "Listen here little Miss negative. This will all straighten out soon. Everything will be okay. Nothing happened this week right?"

I shook my head.

"Exactly. We will all straighten this out. Girl, I swear if you cry..."

"I'm not crying..." An evil tear betrayed me and rolled down my cheek.

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