40: The Phone Call

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I was pacing the living room waiting for Michael to finish in the shower so we could get this over with. We'd managed to sleep through to one o'clock. I woke up before him and showered. 

And now I was waiting for him to come downstairs so I could tell him everything. Maybe not entirely everything, only things with significance. Like his name didn't matter at all. Only what happened around the event. I know that no more than eight hours ago my mind and heart said don't tell him. But that doesn't stop those damn pathways in my brain figuring out that I wasn't letting off any relief until I told him everything.

I heard him walk downstairs before I saw him. He smiled as he walked over to me. "Now, what has you pacing?"

"Everything." I took his hand in mine and pulled him over to the couch. I still hadn't moved the flannel I'd used to clean his face from this morning so I made a mental note to move it later. "So before we do anything else today, can I explain everything else to you?"

"If you want to."

I opened my mouth to start but his answer had me confused. "If I want to?"

"I said I trusted you so you don't have to."

"I want to. So let me get started before I lose my nerve."

Firstly, I told him about what happened yesterday in the library. I explained how he helped me with my new Greek Civilisation project and what I could do for it. And then how he met Laura and the girls. Michael seemed curious as to why he seemed so normal with the girls but he didn't comment on it. Then I explained how he'd previously helped me with my other Greek essay and helped me finish it. I told him how I'd asked him about how many vampires there were but he couldn't tell me because his maker had told him not to speak a word. 

And then I told him how he was the one that stopped Kate from seeing them. At first Michael looked like he had already figured out it was one of them stopping the witches but then he said, "I wouldn't have figured it was your friend."

"He told me it sort of starts when your human but I figured out that because our brains aren't really accessed and when he turned, it sort of came to him."

"That's usually why." He replied. "Is there anything else you want to tell me?"

I nodded. "When I saw him that Saturday after you left for your meeting he'd handed me a stake and said to do it. Then he grabbed my hand and," I lifted my hand and pressed in between his ribcage where a subtle heart beat resided. "Placed it here saying that's where I needed to go."

Michael's face finally reined with confusion. I understood why. I was completely shocked when he told me where to hit too. "What happened after?"

"Well, I swung for him but he spun me around and explained that punching him wouldn't do enough. He showed me how much strength I needed if I wanted to stab a vampire."

"He actually did all of this with you?"

"Yes. To be honest it felt like he was training me."

"Maybe he had the right initiative. Maybe you do need to be trained in case something like that does happen."

"I'm not going to be carrying a stake with me around Uni am I?"

"Well, you finish Uni and go home for the holidays after Tuesday. So carrying it around in a bag or purse won't be so bad."

I gave him a skeptical look. "Really."

"Honestly, yes. I think it's a good idea and I feel stupid for not thinking of it first."

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