10: Healed

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I'd been staring at the ceiling for over a half hour wondering why I didn't have a raging headache and why my body felt absolutely wonderful. I was barely in any pain which was a huge surprise.  

Last night, my sight was crap but now everything was... Vivid. Well, it might just be the bright sunlight coming through the windows.

I sat up slowly and was surprised I didn't get a head rush or lightheaded. I should be worse than this. Why aren't I?

I went to touch my head when my phone started vibrating on the table beside the bed. I looked at the name and answered. "Yes?" I whispered. I didn't want Michael-- 

I mean, Mr. Reeves to know I was awake yet.

"There are three possible answers to my question," Laura started. "Either, you got stuck in that classroom with Mr. Reeves and realized how much you love each other. Or, you got kidnapped. Or, you found a willing and hot guy to get with."

"Why does it have to be about sex, Laura?"

"Well, you've been gone all night and you're whispering. I knock on your door this morning, shout your name and hear nothing. And Damien said he was in the living room all night and didn't see you come in."

I swung my legs over the bed. "I... went home for the night." I lied. I couldn't think of anything better.

"That was very abrupt. Why did you go home?"

"That's a very good question." I mumbled. "Ah... Mom wanted me home for... Casserole?"

"Oh. I couldn't blame you for going home then. I love my mom's casserole. Anyway, we have Greek Civilization in ten minutes. I'm guessing you're not going to be there."

I shook my head. "No. But I'll see you later though."

We said our goodbyes and hung up. I slowly stood up and smiled when no symptoms of a concussion did occur. Maybe last night the symptoms were obviously there and I was stupid to avoid a hospital. But I felt absolutely fine. Maybe better than fine. Some unwanted images popped into my head of what happened between a certain teacher and I so pushed them out. Maybe it was all a dream. Maybe I imagined it. I was concussed maybe it was all my imagination.

I walked into the bathroom and went to use the toilet but stopped when I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror.

"Jesus," I whispered.  

I turned my neck and there it was. A reminder of what happened between Mr. Reeves and me last night. There were two. One where my neck and head met which was the size of a quarter. And the bigger one on the side of my neck the size of a baseball.

I moved my head and hair to look at my wound only to find... 

What looked like a scar? It was a long, a little thick line on my hairline. It still hurt to touch but it shouldn't be on this stage yet. This stage took at least a week to get to. If I did go hospital that would have needed stitches. The one on my arm was still healing as it was...


I lifted the sleeve of my shirt and gasped. It was nothing but a line. 

What the hell?! 

Am I nuts? Have I gone mad?!

I stared at it for a moment before pulling off my shirt and turning the shower on. How...? 

There were no answers to how this was... Possible!

I slipped out of my underwear and welcomed the hot water over my skin. That whole night was... Odd.  

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