44: Surprise

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*Pre-warning, there is sexual content!!


"Michael, it's time for me to get dressed..."

He pushed his hips into mine crushing me against the kitchen counter 

He pressed a delicate kiss to the small bruise on my bare shoulder from last night's little escapade up against his bedroom wall. No comment. "You haven't let me apologise for what I did."

I rolled my eyes and pressed my hands to his chest. "You've apologised twenty-four times and I've been counting."

His hand lifted my arm to show me the hand shaped bruise on my forearm from the second escapade just outside of the shower... We didn't exactly make it inside. "Evie..."

"No, Michael stop apologising." I pulled the hanging shoulder of his large t-shirt up to cover my shoulder. "It's in your nature."

"Poor excuse." He mumbled as he pulled the shirt back down from my shoulder to kiss it again. "I didn't--"

"Stop it. I'm the one who should be apologising for the scratches on your back." The scratches from this morning, as in 3.00am. I had to embarrassingly admit that I initiated it because, well, look at the man. I was only human after all.

"But I heal. Do you?"

"Yes... After a periodic amount of time." I smiled sheepishly. "Your blood is still in my system, the bruises will be gone before the end of this week. Plus you controlled yourself from biting me, you should be proud."

"I am. But," He caressed my cheek. "I hurt you."

I raised a brow as I slid my hands up his bare chest. "I didn't notice." I hinted with a small blush.

"You're trying to make me feel better but it's not working. You're so fragile to me that I forget that with a simple squeeze I could break a bone."

I stroked his cheek before lightly slapping it. "Get over it, it's only a few bruises. Now, I'm already late, it's almost twenty past two. Mom's already told me she's picked up Chels. I was supposed to be there at two."

He took my hands and wrapped them around his neck. "Oh, if you're already late then being later wouldn't do any harm, would it?" His velvet soft voice coursed through my body as it always did. "Two hours."

I narrowed my eyes. "One."

"One and a half."



"Michael," I smirked and bit my bottom lip.


I hummed. "I seem to be making a lot of those this weekend."

He gripped my waist and yanked me away from the kitchen counter. "How am I going to survive this week without you?"

I smiled sadly. "It's only a week, we'll see each other."

"You'll find out tonight. But for now," His pelvis rocked against mine in a rhythm that made me groan with excitement. "We have an hour."

His warm and addictive mouth swallowed the flesh on my neck with hunger. "Forty-five min-"

"No." He snapped playfully. "An hour." Although, the playfulness was masked by his blackening eyes and lustful grin.

"It doesn't surprise me you're not tired from this weekend."

His rough hands lowered to my thighs and lifted me up. "I'm surprised you're not."

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