You And Me: We Have To Go

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edited october 5th 2016

I screamed and at the last moment Carl and Rick's hand grabbed both of mine. The walkers grabbed at my legs, trying to pull me down. I was frantic at this point because I really did not want to do right here, right now.

"Pull me up!"

I screamed with absolute fear in my voice. I was then yanked up my Carl and Rick. I fell over on Carl and wanted to cry because of how close that entire thing was. I was almost walker food and that would have really ruined my day, to say the least.

We climbed down the ladder and Rick shot down the closest walkers near us. One by one they went so easily and so quickly, but Rick was hardly making a dent. We headed to get into the RV that Jimmy had drove over for us, but Jimmy's screams of pure pain caught our attention. He was finished and that hurt my heart. His blood splashed at the window and I cringed.

"Jimmy!" I began to tear up, because that was Patricia's boy

It was beyond my understanding how Rick and Carl manage to keep it together. We ran through the woods and made it back to the house. Only to see my daddy taking walkers down like it wasn't a big deal. 

Lori ran after Carl and I with tears spilling from her brown eyes. She grabbed us both in a frantic manner, and hugged us. "Where's your daddy, Carl?" Lori asked Carl and we both turned around to see that Rick was no longer behind us anymore. "No, he was just behind us! Mom, he was just with us!" Carl grabbed the sides of his heads in anger and pain

 "Your daddy is smart, he will make his way back to us." Carol tried comforting Carl, but there were a lot of walkers around. There were more than I'd ever seen before in my life. There were more than I'd seen on my TV.

"Daddy!" I yelled, but he continued to shoot walkers

Carl pulled me with his mom, Carol, and Patricia to get to the truck T-Dog was driving in. How was I going to tell Patricia Jimmy was gone? She had just lost Otis not even a couple of days ago. Now her boy was gone and I just couldn't stand to see her heart break again.

As we reached the truck, walkers came from all directions of Patricia and sank their teeth into her flesh. I continued to hold on to her while she was being devoured on by these creatures.

"Patricia!" I screamed and Carl pulled me, but I couldn't let her go. She looked at me for seconds and I could see that she wanted me to go. I did not want to at all, but I didn't want to die and she didn't want me to die either.

While walkers feasted into Patricia, she managed to yank her arm out of my grip. As that happened, the walkers piled on her body and her screams became unbearable to listen to because of the agonizing pain behind the,

Andrea got out of Otis' truck that T-Dog drove in to let us in. Carol had wondered away as the events with Patricia took place and she was now being cornered by four walkers. "Get Carol!" Lori directed to Andrea as I got into the truck with Lori.

Carl shut the door behind me and I looked at him. "No, what are you doing? Carl get in the truck!" I yelled at him and I tried with effort to open the door, but he kept it shut. "Carl, get in the truck!" Lori yelled at him

"You need to get out of here, Ella! I have to find my dad, I will find you after this ok?" 

"I love you"

Carl finished and he then ran off, but before I could open the door and chase after him T-Dog drove away

Andrea shot down the four walkers that were cornering carol. A walker then approached Andrea from behind. She shot it but it fell down onto her. Carol ran away in fear thinking Andrea was dead.

My daddy still fired at the walkers coming near him or the house. One was going unnoticed by him and was way too close to his from behind. Out of the no where Rick and Carl came behind and shot the walker down.

"We have to go Hershel! You won't be able to take them all! Rick yelled "My farm!" My daddy yelled and he was heartbroken at the fact that it was no longer his farm anymore

Rick and Carl pulled Hershel into the SUV and drove off. "Wait!" Andrea yelled, but went unheard by the three of them. She grabbed the gun bag and began to run as fast as she could to catch up to anybody.

Rick, Carl, and my dad continued to drive away from the one place my daddy would miss most of all. He struggled remembering really great memories that had taken place at the farm before my mama died, but the events that were taking place allowed him to because of how traumatic they were. He was crying and had no shame. Maggie, myself, and my brother Sam had grown up there. He raised a family there and now everything that mattered to him besides Maggie and I were gone and he knew he wouldn't get them back.

He pulled out my momma's handkerchief and tried wiping his face free of tears, but it wasn't doing him any justice.

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