You And Me: Who is Doug?

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edited november 9th 2016

My vision was completely fuzzy, but I was finally able to regain it. I looked to my side to see Carl who was unconscious. I begged that he was just unconscious and that when I put my head on his chest that there would be a heartbeat. I slowly moved my head down and placed it on his chest.

There was a heart beat.

I sighed in relief and walkers began to walk to the truck. I shoved Carl's unconscious body in the little window of the truck. "Glenn, you need to go!" Rick yelled. Glenn was struggling to get the engine started back up.

Then walkers really started to swarm around the truck. They grabbed at me, but I shot them down one by one. "Go!" I screamed hitting the roof of the truck, as Glenn continued to struggle. 

Miraculously,  the engine started and Glenn stomped his foot on the gas and hauled ass out of there. I squeezed my body into the window, breathing really hard. My chest got extremely tight and I had to slow myself down or I'd faint. "You alright little one?" Daryl asked, pulling me close to him. I nodded my head slowly as he tried to get me to calm down as well. Carl was still out cold from the jump. I laid his head down in my lap and stroked his sweat drenched hair out of his face.

I put my lips on his forehead and whispered "Please be okay, Carl." 

"What happened to you?" Rick asked Glenn pointing out his black eyes, busted nose, and bruised cheek. "These men tortured me, but i'm fine." Glenn babbled through his busted lips. Poor Glenn looked so awful and I felt terrible.

"Thank you for coming back for us, brother." Rick said he patted Glenn on the back. A smile occurred under Glenn's bruised and bloody face.

We'd arrive back to the prison and it was still covered in dead Woodbury people. My daddy and Michonne walked outside. Carol followed after holding baby Judith, and I jumped out of the truck running to embrace them.

As did everybody else, except for Carl. He was still out cold in the truck. "I could have helped!" Michonne yelled to Rick as she noticed all of us bruised and bloody. Rick just ignored her statement. "I'm so glad you guys are okay." Carol smiled.

My dad cleaned and tended to all of our wounds. He put stitches in my stomach, as well as in Daryl's eyebrow. Daryl had taken Carl to his cell, and I didn't want to leave his side until he was awake. I wiped Carl's face down, free from the blood and sweat. He wasn't awake to shower, so this would have to do.

"Ella, why don't you come eat? Huh?" Carol asked me and I shook my head. "No, I'm not going anywhere until he wakes up." I shot her a half smile and she sat down next to me .

"You care about him a lot, don't you?" Carol smiled. "More than anything in the world." I said so seriously. She couldn't contain her smile, because she thought it was the most heart warming thing. "He's going to wake up, Ella." she patted my shoulder, gave me a quick kiss, on the forehead then left. I laid down next to Carl and traced my name on his chest.

Like old times.

Then he started to move.

"Carl, Carl!" I muttered and his blue eyes opened. I began to sob and kissed his forehead a good 7 times. "Did we make it?" he asked confused looking all around. "Yes, oh my gosh yes." I giggled and now kissed him on the lips. "Man, I should get knocked out cold more often." Carl laughed and I told him to shut up.

Michonne's company interrupted us and I got off of Carl's lap as fast as I could. We both looked at each other and laughed, but Michonne didn't seem like she was in a laughing mood right now.

"Did you kill Doug too?"

Michonne asked and I looked at Carl so confused right now.

"Who the hell is Doug?"

Carl asked confused and looked at me again. "Who is Doug?" Carl repeated himself and demanded an answer. "I should have went." Michonne said and ran downstairs. "Michonne!" Carl yelled as he got up and chased her.

Michonne stopped at the door and turned to Carl. "Michonne, I asked you a question?" Carl caught everybody's attention and they were now interested in what was going on. 

"What's going on?" Rick asked.

"How she should've come to get rid of some guy named, Doug back in Woodburry." Carl pointed at Michonne.

"You should've let me come with! Now we're in even more danger than we were before. Especially you Ella, especially you." Michonne looked at me.

"What? Why me?" I walked all the way down the stairs. "He likes young girls." Michonne said and Rick yelled at her to get out. "What?" Michonne asked and Rick reached a louder yell. "You heard me just fine Michonne, get the hell out!"

"I'm tired of my family being put in danger, to protect you! I lost people because of you! The Governor only ever wanted you. I'm not losing another person in my family. You have 3 seconds to get out that door." he pulled his gun from his holster and pointed it at Michonne.

Michonne glanced at every single one of us and had the most deadliest glare you ever could see. She shoved the door open and took off. Rick put his gun back in his holster and walked away.

Daryl locked the door and walked back to his cell. Judith woke up and cried, because of the loud door slamming. I headed for the stairs, but the sounding of a cocked gun caught my attention. I turned around to see Carl about to open the door. I then ran over to him and pulled his gun away from him.

"Carl, do not do this." I demanded as calm as I could. "Ella, give me my gun right now!" Carl shouted in my face and that brought the attention of Rick back to us. Daryl and the rest of the group turned around to see what was going on as well.

"I'm not going to do that." I yelled back and he grabbed my arms. Carl then pulled the gun from me, but besides me yelling at him, I was not putting up a very big fight. "You know what? Things are different now!" he screamed at the rest of the group, then looked back at me.

"I have to protect the one thing that I can't live without and that's you." Carl looked me in the eyes for a good second after he confessed that. "I am so sick of having to watch our back because it turns out the living is far more evil than the dead walking around us." he stayed calm with his sentence and finally Rick said something.

"Carl, killing never solves anything."

"Oh really dad? How about you tell that to Shane."

Carl unlocked the door, kicked it open, then slammed it shut. I was in disbelief at what he just said and Rick was as well.

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