You And Me: Feeling.

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The early morning sunrise seeped through the curtains.. Sunlight filling my tan skin through the windows.. But I hadn't slept all night..I was too worried about Sam and Judith.

I know nothing is wrong.. But I have a feeling.

I keep constantly praying in my head that whatever the feeling was.. It'd just go away. I caught myself stroking Carl's hair while he was lying on my lap, still sleeping. He looked like an even bigger princess than Judith when he was asleep.

I placed a soft gently kiss on his overly warm cheek, waking him up.

" morning baby girl.." he whispered in a raspy, yet soothing was enjoyable.

I half smiled, leaning in for those soft lips I got even more friendlier with last night..

I'm guessing he noticed my sleepiness, because the next words out of his mouth were " did you get any sleep at all, Ella? "

I just shook my head, too tired to even try to talk back " baby, get some sleep. " he whispered. " I have to make sure Sam and Ju are okay.. I'm fine, Carl. " I replied. " I'm not asking, Ella I'm telling. You need your sleep, baby. " he seemed like he was getting more serious.

I didn't have any energy in me whatsoever to argue, so I laid down and pulled the covers over my shoulders..

" they'll be fine..promise " he whispered kissing my cheek, as I reached my hand over and ruffled his hair softly.


Sam and Judith's loud crying woke me up, and loud creaking..almost like metal clashing.. And gun shots.

" SAM! JUDITH! I yelled, shooting up from my bed..

Sam was still in his crib, but the gun shots became more louder and rapid.

Judith clanged to my arm crying her little eyes out till her face was red and her eyes were bloodshot.

" mommy! I'm scared! " she repeated, crying over and over. I picked Sam up from his crib, as tears flooded his little blue eyes. I placed Sam gently in Judith's arms.

" Judith, do not open this door until I get back okay ?!? " I told her.. She was still balling, but she manage to understand me and nod.. " o- okay mommy.. " she stuttered, fear taking her body over completely

I nearly tripped over my feet running down the stairs, dreading what I was going to see..

Carol's eyes were flooding with fear as she watched what was happening outside.. I ran to her side and opened the curtains more to get a better look.

The rest of the group was outside pushing on the barrier, almost like they were keeping it up..

While walkers scratched at grabbed, crawling to get over..I couldn't just stand here and not do anything..

" carol, go upstairs and watch Sam and Judith! They're in the closet. Lock my door and don't come out until I tell you! GO!! " I yelled at her immediately running outside, not even waiting for a response.

Nearly tripping over my feet once again, i rushed to the barrier.. Helping my family shove it against the walkers, who were still trying their best to get through.

" What do we do?!? " Lincoln's overpowered voice asked..

Rick looked down and had a moment of thinking.. Then he made eye contact with us all each individually..

" Drop it.. " he spoke looking away.

I connected my eyes with Carl's in such a confused manner..

" Drop it.. " he softly said.. " DROP IT! " Rick added, now yelling.. As if his mood changed in those two seconds.

None of us argued.. There was an absolute possibility.. We'd all die.

Right here..

Right now.

It was almost as if the barrier came down in slow motion .. Hitting the gravel and swinging a gust of air and dirt into our faces.

We watched in utter horror as the walkers bit, scratched and growled coming towards us like we were their last food source in the world.

For all we know.. We were.

My eyes attached to Carl's as if they were on cue.. " I love you, Carl.. " .. I choked.. " I love you so much, Ella. " he was nearly in tears.

I was as well.

I yanked out a French knife from my boot and as everybody drew what they had. We all made eye contact, each and everyone of us..

Now the walkers were nearly 3 feet from us.. What was the point in being scared anymore.

If we died

We died.

In a matter of seconds, blood was splattering across my face and clothes as it was the same for everybody else, as we tore into the walkers undead flesh with our weapons.

Then a yell.. A terrible yell. A man's yell sounded.. " Carl! " I screamed.. But he was fine, it wasn't him.

I turned the direction of where the screaming came from now, more clear.

It was Glenn..

◄ you and me ◄ carl grimesحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن