You And Me: Deep.

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" I'm never letting you go again, you understand me?.. You're never going to worry about somebody like Dakota, Doug or The Governor..I will fight for you until I use every last breath in my body.. Because that's how much you mean to me.. Ella, I love you more than anything in this whole entire world.." he sternly told me, holding me closer than ever.. I couldn't help but clear my mind of every terrible thing i'd ever experienced since the world went to nothing.. and embrace the love of my life.. I loved him so much.. we've been through hell and back and look at us..

He helped me of the bed.. It was a miracle I could actually walk after I'd been shot in the leg, stabbed in the hip and beaten senseless.. We walked down the stairs back to the rest of our group.. Only to have everybody embrace me tightly.. Carol teared up as she hugged me.. " I couldn't loose you too, Eleanor" my daddy muttered as he held me tightly.. I think everybody felt the same.. Rick loosing Lori, Glenn and My Daddy loosing Maggie.. Daryl loosing Merle, Michonne loosing Andrea.. And Carol loosing Sophia.. Mentally and physically they couldn't loose another..

" if you two ever almost die on us like that again.. I'll kick both y'all's asses..ya hear? " Daryl joked, whilst leaning against the railing.. that shot smiles to mine and Carl's face..Rick looked me dead in the eyes.. he had worry surrounding his eyes..that didn't give me a good feeling at all.. I dismissed it.. I just got my family back.. I was content not to ruin the moment..

Things were seemingly Normal.. Okay not normal.. I mean there were still walkers outside.. But the living was't trying to murder us all right now.. So it's normal. Rick was down in the warden's office where he usually was.. I decided to go and see what was with his worried look.. " Rick? " I said walking down the stairs.. " Ella, everything alright? " he asked me messing with an old fashioned telephone.. " I could say the same.. what was with that look? " I asked him.. " I don't know what you mean ? " he asked trying to shake it off.. " something is wrong.. look you can lie to all of them.. but you can't lie to me.. " I said.. He looked down.. " Daryl, Glenn and i were still shooting at the men that attacked us.. my vision was blurry.. the dirt had became a cloud.. we'd finish them off.. except one..I shot his way a couple of more times.. but I don't think he went down.. I can't remember.. " he shoved the palms of his hands into his eyes.. " I can't remember.." he shoved harder.. I slightly pulled his hands away to prevent him from really hurting himself..I took in what he'd just said.. maybe it was Doug that survived.. I didn't want to stay here any longer to find out.. Because he'd find us.. And kill us.

Darkness approached.. night time.I couldn't sleep.. Not after what I went through.. To be honest.. I felt a little insane.. like Dakota was going to bust open through that door and hurt me again.. reminding myself that I'd killed him.. just wasn't cutting it.. Guessing Carl heard my thinking loud and clear.. I shook a little at his touch on my shoulder.. " can't sleep? " he said rubbing his eyes and sitting up with me.. " I can't help but feel like everything was my fault.. " I muttered.. " don't you feel that way, alright? we're okay now. I told you, nobody is going to hurt you anymore. " he said gliding his palm along my right shoulder. I didn't want to keep the truth inside. That we weren't safe. Doug could still be out there. And if he was .. We were in deeper trouble than before. It's like an endless list of danger in this world now.. I simply just nodded and buried my body into Carl's toned arms.. If only the world was as safe as Carl's arms.

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