You And Me: Woodbury.

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Woodbury looked like the definition of a real "ghost town". I'm taking a wild guess here that maybe we murdered more than half of its population.

Walkers had made their way into there just like Glenn and I. We merely just got around them, and turned the corner only to see Carl hanging by his feet over a crowd of walkers.

and the governor above him.

I was a second away from screaming carl's name, but Glenn grabbed me and covered my mouth. "We need to figure something out, now." He said, fluffing his hair in anxiety. "Please we can't let him die, no!" I said, almost reaching a yell, but Glenn grabbed me by shoulders to calm me down. "Ella, you need to stay calm." He told me staring into my eyes, but the second I took mine off his I made out somebody coming from behind him.

"Glenn!" I screamed his name, and he turned around to only to be struck in the face by the person who looked like a guy Carl's age.

I was fumbling with my belt to pull my gun out, but he already swung at me knocking me out cold.

I woke up in what seemed like a million years later, only to see I was tied to a pole with no shirt or pants on.

I yanked at the rope that had me tied to the pole so I could get the hell out of this. "HELP!" I shouted with my diaphragm feeling swollen from it.
A face was revealed. It was one I'd seen before. The boy who knocked Glenn and I both out.


I was only hoping and praying both him and Carl were okay.

"Let me go, why're you doing this?" I asked, with so much concern, because I had not done anything to him.

"You can go, yeah definitely. Only after I get what I want." He smirked, undoing his belt and ripping it off.

"You're sick! Go to hell! Don't you dare touch me, or I'll kill you!" I screamed at him, as he stepped closer and closer.

"Like I killed your little boyfriend?"

His words went in slow motion.
He just said what I thought he said.

"What did you say?" I muttered with fear.
"I said I killed him. Slowly, and very painfully."
he played with his knife.
I tried pulling my hands out once more.
There was no use.

He was now in my personal space and I wanted none other than to rip his head off. I didn't want him touching me. I didn't want any of this. He touched my thigh with his right hand, only for my to kick him in his face.

He gripped both of my shoulders and got too close to my face. "I swear if you try anything else like that, it'll be so much worse." He glared at me, and I did the only the thing I could think of. I headed butted the absolute crap out of him, sending him backwards and me into confusion.

I had to regain my sanity really fast so I could get out of this stupid rope and find Glenn and Carl.

He scrambled to his feet, and shot back at me kicking me in the stomach where I'd received my gun shot.

I cried in pain, and he punched me directly in the nose and slamming my head on the pole. Surprisingly, not knocking me out but doing some damage.

He came at me once more and I kicked him where no guy would want to be kicked and he fell forward, giving me an advantage of head butting him once more and knocked him out.

I was now working as fast as I could to get out of this rope. I spotted a knife in his pocket and tried to slip it out with my foot. Successfully, I gripped the knife and started shredding at the rope and freeing myself. I pulled my clothes on that I'd found by a cabinet and ran out the door, not knowing where in the hell I was.

"Glenn!" I shouted turning the corner, only to see a group of walker spotting me and heading so hungrily at me. I ran back to the room and grabbed the disgusting pervert, dragging him to the hallway for the walkers. He slowly started to wake up, grabbing me by the neck.
The walkers were getting closer and closer.

I grabbed at his ankle, and with every ounce of strength I had, I twisted it. Causing it to snap in half, and blood from his ankle squirted in my face.
He let go of my neck and yelled holding his ankle.

The walkers dropped down to the their knees, crawling to him as he tried to get away.
The only sound I could make was the ripping of his flesh from the bone. I got up and went full usian bolt out the doors I found.

Back to the spot where I got knocked out, I turned the corner to see Carl still dangling there like a rag doll. It wasn't pleasant. "Carl!" I screamed his name, getting excited inside because he was okay.

"Ella! Baby! Come get me down please!" He shouted, and could do nothing but hang there.

I got to the tower and ran up nearly a billion stairs to get to him, and finally I reached the door to where he was. The rope holding Carl's feet was nearly ripped and I began to pull it up. My gun shot wound from a while ago, was bleeding once more. And I wanted to give up.

But I'm not letting Carl die.

It just won't happen.

As I pulled him up to the top he immediately gripped around my waist, pulling me in for a hug. I cried on his shoulder really hard, I actually could cry.
He stroked the back of my head.

"I thought you were dead Carl! " I said still pouring my eyes out. "I'll never run away like that again! I'm so sorry! I'm so sorry!" he cupped my face.

The door to the tower opened.. Revealing the one and only face.

The governor.

He grabbed Carl by the neck and threw him aside, and came at me with a freshly sharpened knife. In one swift movement, he had it at my neck. Carl got back onto his feet, and had nothing to protect himself or me.

"Took your nice little piece you had, looks like you're out of options." The governor told Carl, and smirked.

"Let go of me!" I screamed at him, and moved more rapidly to get away from him.

"Just give me Michonne and you can have your girl back. " the governor spoke.. He then struck me in the face with the butt of the knife , busting my lip. I shrieked in the worst pain. Carl tried to show no emotion.

" Never." Carl said sure of him self.

◄ you and me ◄ carl grimesTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang