You And Me: Should've Known Better.

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The next morning came and I was up at 6 to take watch, I opened the guard tower door to relieve Daryl from his shift. "Hey little one." he said patting my head. "Hi " I said back with a smile. I loved that nickname.

"Well we're not in danger and you're shifts over, so go and do whatever you do these days." I said, patting his shoulder.

He held his crossbow up pointing it at me and shot.

But it didn't hit me.

"Daryl, what the hell?!" I said covering my face. "What? I was just getting lunch." he said picking the dead squirrel up, putting it in my face, and making squirrel noise. I laughed as i shoved him playfully out the door.

I sat there for a long while and took in the wind on my face. It brushed past my wavy brain hair that reached to my bottom, then the door opened. "Hey there." Dakota's voice snapped me out of my peaceful state. "Hey." I replied with a smile. "Taking watch?" said standing next to me. "That's what I'm doing." I said still looking out in the woods. "Look about last night, I'm sorry. I didn't me-- " he stumbled on words.

"Don't worry about it, I'm just not ready for a relationship or anything of that sort." I said "I respect that." he said smiling at me. "I'll be here when you are." he said, putting a small smile on my face.

"I never got to tell you sorry about your dad. " I muttered "Oh yeah. He was like my hero you know? then those selfish brainless assholes took him from me." he said looking down at the floor.

"I almost lost mine to walkers too." I muttered. He gave me a suspicious look and attached his eyes back to the floor.

Rick gathered us all In the cell block for a meeting, I'm guessing. Dakota and I were the last ones to get in there. "Nice of you two to join us." Rick added and I replied with a "Sorry."

"I'm not saying we put our guard down, but I don't think this Doug guy is coming." he said. "So you think I'm lying?" Michonne added.

Dakota made eye contact with me, making me blush for some reason. He smiled at my blushing cheeks and Carl caught our glimpses at each other and sighed pissed off.

"That's not what I'm saying." Rick said. "He won't come when you're expecting it. The governor didn't come when any of us where expecting it. Doug has had to have been keeping tabs on us some how." she said.

That drew all of our attention to Debra and Dakota.

"Don't you people dare." Debra said getting the point of all our stares. "You think I'd betray you people like that? When you've been nothing but nice to us. You took my son and I in. We're not like that and we're not how she's portraying us." Debra pleaded her case. "I'm just stating possibly true facts." Michonne said. "This is bullshit, do you really believe her?" Debra said back to Rick. "Yeah well prove it." Rick stated back and Debra's face sunk in. "I thought we already did when my son and I saved y'all's lives?" Debra questioned.

Rick nodded and went outside.

Dakota ran outside after Rick. I followed him just in case and so did Carl. "Funny that she'd suggest something like that." Dakota said making Rick turn around as Dakota pulled a pistol out.

"Dakota! What are you doing ?!" I yelled, being pulled by the hair, his hand connecting to my neck. "Put the gun down!" Carl said from behind Dakota, cocking his gun to Dakota's head.

Dakota connected the gun to my temple and I gulped really hard. "If I die, so does Ella." He smirked and I pulled at his arm to let me go.

"Just let her go and put the gun down. We can talk about this." Rick stated and Debra came running outside. Daryl grabbed her and shoved her down to the ground. She then saw me in Dakota's grip with his gun to my head. "Dakota, what are you doing?!" She questioned.

"She killed dad, mom! I'm not going to let her go. I'm not going to let her get away with this!" Dakota yelled to his mom and his mouth was near my ear. It was ringing now because of how high he was yelling.

"Your dad?" I questioned softly, still trying to break his grip around my neck.

"The Governor." He stated with so much hate and evil in his eyes.

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