You And Me: Together?

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Hours passed.. Maybe hours.. I don't even remember..

I just remember my excruciating stomach pains from my broken ribs..

And my dried out wound from michonne's katana on my forearm..

My eyes slowly started to shut, but a complete stop woke me up fully as I looked all around..

Then the back doors opened..

I stood up, holding my side and walking slowly to the exit..

One man held his hand out for me to take a hold of from the far drop from the van and ground..

I had no fight, so I took it.

He laid me down on a gurney and placed a mask over me..

That's when I got pissed..

" NO! GET THIS OFF! NO! CARL! " I yelled punching, Kicking and scratching..

Until the gas put me to sleep..

Gradually I stopped fighting and fell asleep against my will..

A bright light shined directly into the crevice of my eyes.. Waking me up immediately.. I examined the room.. It was all white, like a hospital.. I'd been stripped of my clothes an placed in a gown.. I had stitches up my forearm and an ivy..

" Carl? Carl? " I whispered, still looking all around..

" somebody?.." My voice fueled with loneliness and complete sadness.

The door finally opened..

" Carl?! " I yelled, but it wasn't him.

" Hello. " a blonde, well groomed woman, greeted me..

" Who are you? Where am I?! Where's my boyfriend? " I asked, yanking my wrists a little more from the straps..

" Relax, Subject 18 is fine, darling.. " she smiled.

" Then where is he?! And he has a name.. It's Carl.. I want to be with him.. I want to see if he's okay for myself.. Please that's all I'm asking.." I got a little rude.

" I'm afraid that can't happen.. " she smiled even more, like what she said wasn't a big deal..

It was..

" Excuse me? That's my boyfriend.. You can't take him from me.. If I want to see him I can see him. " I spat..

" Sorry, but you both have been exposed to the outside world far too much.. Any further contact with him could be dangerous for you both. " she stated.

" I don't give two shits, he's my boyfriend.. He's all I have.. Neither of us are bitten or scratched. Look lady, I've had the most shittiest day.. Okay the most shittiest life for the passed almost three years.. I want to see my boyfriend.. I'm not asking " I was practically yelling now

her soft cheekiness in her sentences were pissing me off.

" can't take any chances." she smirked and got up..

" You stupid bitch! You worthless whore! You wait! I'll get out and you'll be sorry! I'll stomp your ass! " I screamed at her as she slammed the door shut.

I had to improvise quick, or I'd be out of luck..

Wait I don't have any..

The light above me was placed near the bed..

I shook the metal rods, until I'd knocked the lamp over..

The metal part lied on my shoulder, and I shoved it a couple times to where the bulb was on my wrist..

◄ you and me ◄ carl grimesNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ