You And Me: Somebody

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Carl immediately heard my screams and dropped the items in his hand. He pulled his knife out and called out my name. "Ella! Where are you?" He tried tracing my screams.

"That's Ella screaming, go!" Daryl said to Rick and they both ran through the store to find me. Daryl set his crossbow and ran ahead of Rick.

"That was Ella." Carol said to Michonne and Glenn. "Move!" Glenn yelled and the three of them traced my screams.

The walker was extremely strong and at this point he was now near my neck with his teeth. "Somebody please help me!" I screamed and the walker was directly on top of me at this point. I was really fearing that nobody in my group would find me. I felt so lost and not knowing what to do. 

I reached to the side as I spotted my knife. My left hand was holding onto the walkers neck, and at this point that was the only thing keeping his teeth from my neck. It was a genuine miracle that I was able to reach my knife and plunge it directly into the walkers forehead. The blood from the walker's brain had plummeted directly onto my body and it was the epitome of disgusting.

I shoved the walker off of me and kicked him in the head repeatedly. "Asshole!" I yelled and continued to kick the again, lifeless corpse.

"Ella!" Carl had finally found me. With all of my adrenaline rushing through my veins, I swung my knife at Carl unintentionally. "It's just me!" Carl pulled the knife from my hand and threw it to the side. "I'm sorry!" I said and began to cry. I was panting and still freaking out because close calls with walkers will never be an easy thing, even for me.

"C-Carl, he scratched me."

Carl dreaded looking at my arm, but to our surprise there was no break to my skin. The walker had only ripped a hole in my jacket and we both embraced one another. "I thought I was dead." I cried into Carl's chest and he tried his best comforting me.

"Are y'all okay?" The remainder of the group had finally reached us. I ran and hugged Carol and everybody was all in shock at the amount of blood covering my face. "Let's clean you up." Carol pulled out a rag to wipe my face off.

"What happened?" Rick asked Carl and he was given an explanation. "I'm sorry, it was my fault. I wondered off and I just wasn't thinking for a minute."

"We need to move." Daryl said, referring to the group of walkers coming our way.

We gathered our belongings and headed to the car.

Michonne and Daryl took down a fair amount of walkers. Carl and I jumped in the car first, while the others took out some of the walkers in the parking lot. Judith began to cry and I tried my best to calm her down. "They're everywhere, we have to go!" Carl shouted to the others and Rick made that realization pretty soon afterwards.

The rest of the group jumped in the car and we sped off.

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