You And Me: Terrible Dream.

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I screamed over and over.

falling to the ground.

Blood everywhere.

Judith's crying.

Waking up in the cell bed with a bullet in my stomach.

The helicopters.

The cure.

The camps.



The happy ending.

It was a dream..

I woke up with Carl's gun still at my head.

"I'm alive I'm alive"! I screamed at him wincing in pain because my gunshot wound was literal hell.

" oh my god.. " he held onto me.. Getting blood on his shirt.. " Where's Kaylee and Lilly ?! " I screamed making my wound bleed more..

"Eleanor, stop screaming! You're going to bleed out! " My dad yelled holding me down. " Let go of me! LET GO! Where my daughters and Maggie"?! I screamed, making my stomach hurt more.

Carl held me down while Carol inserted a needle into my arm, making me tired and more nauseas. "Stop stop stop". My yells turned to whisper, as my view of Carl's teary blue eyes turned blurry then black.

I couldn't move.

I couldn't talk.

I couldn't see.

What the hell was going on.

I finally woke up to the sounds of yelling. It sounded like Rick and My dad.

"YOU BE A FATHER A GO FIND HIM"! My dad screamed way too loud. I tried sitting up, but was yanked back by this stupid handcuffs.

"Help" my voice is so limp and weak.

The shadow of Maggie short hair, tall and slim figure passed by the cell. I yanked even harder. "Maggie" I tried yelling, but it was like my vocal chords were so low.

Carol came into the cell and came to my side. "Carol get me out of these, I'm not a walker". I said in my soft voice. "I can't, Ella. Your dad doesn't want you moving because you could open your stitches and bleed all the way out".

"Where's Carl"? I asked getting frustrated. She didn't say anything just looked down.

"Carol, where is he? Where is Carl"?! I was actually reaching a regular voice, which felt like a yell for me. "We don't know, he ran out a couple of hours ago when we gave you the medicine". Carol looked at me.

"Where's my sister"? I was starting to tear up more like Carol was.

"no no no no no, carol no.. That's my sister"! I muttered crying as carol held my face in the palms of her hands.

"that's my sister! that's my sister"! I repeated, and she shook her head crying with me.

" we were rescued and they found a cure". I babbled.

Carol just shook her head.

I yanked my arms even more " I want out!!!! " I yelled, the hand cuffs began to slice up my wrists.. My daddy walked in, dismissing Carol..

" Daddy, take these off! ! " I screamed sounding like I was mental.. " If you move, you'll bleed out! I can't let you die too, baby girl.. " my dad teared up..

He cleaned my wound and changed my bandages then left..

The night approached.. I heard no more talking or yelling.. I slipped my tiny hands out of the cuffs and went downstairs quietly..

My stomach was on fire and more blood trickled through the bandages.. I opened the door as lightly as possible..

Only to see Glenn standing right outside.. He was a mess.. Not a bigger one than me.. But he still looked crazy.

" Glenn.. " I whispered .. He turned around to me with a shot gun to his head from under his jaw..

" Glenn.. Don't please.. " I whispered with shakiness in my voice.. " Tell me why I shouldn't.. She's gone.. She's gone! " he screamed crying..

I walked to him closer and closer , taking the gun from him gently.. he dropped his arms and cried looking down to the ground.. I put his head on my shoulder and his crying didn't let up..

" I need you to help me.. " I muttered.. " please I need to find Carl..can you help me , please.. Glenn please " I whispered lightly..

He gathered his self together and agreed with a nod of his head.. We grabbed the weapons that laid on the floor and we headed out on foot..

Looking through the woods almost the whole night..

My bleeding was getting worse..

my skin was turning more pale each hour..

but i didn't mention it.

Glenn was finally together.. But we stopped every once in a while for him to let loose and cry.. He was taking it really hard. I was too.. But I couldn't cry anymore..

As we headed more west.. I found something.. Something that literally killed me inside even more.. Carl's hat.. I fell to my knees with the hat in my hand..

" no.. no.. " I whispered.. Fearing the worst. Glenn grabbed me picking me up.. " No! " I yelled at him, pulling a gun to my head.. " Ella don't ! " he slowly pulled the gun from me as i did to him back at the prison..

I cried whatever I had left.. Glenn held me as I cried.. My eyes attached to tire marks where I found Carl's hat..

" Tracks.. " I whispered.. Glenn looked up at where i pointed..

We followed the tracks all the way to... Woodbury.

(AUTHOR'S NOTE: Ella was shot in her stomach and did lose the baby.. For everybody who is confused, I'm sorry for the confusion.)

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