2. Babysitter

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I walk out the door in a hurry, finding Hunter standing next to my red car, with her hands in her black jeans pockets. They are full of holes like the ones she used yesterday, and she is wearing another black hoodie, but this one is smaller. She is standing with her head down, but her unsure eyes are looking up at me. Her hair is loose today and it shines in the sunlight, making me see more of the red. The way she is standing makes her look sweet and innocent. Even though she might not be.

"Get in." I say, walking fast in my shoes. We both get in and I start driving. We sit in quiet and Hunter is looking out the window.

"Okay, here it is going to be," I tell her, she turns around to look at me. She seems a little scared. It may have been my tone. It's just that I am so upset about the whole thing.

"I am not going to walk around with you like I am your babysitter or something. I simply drive you to school that's it. Okay?" I turn to look at her, it looks like my words made her shrink, good she takes the point. After the ten minute ride, we are there. I turn to her.

"Okay, stay out of trouble, and do not go in my way. Okay?" She nods. Not one word comes out of her.

"Hey, Skylar." I turn around finding Brook with a bright smile on her face. Oh god, who did she screw now? She is as blond as my hair.

"Hey." I say and put a fake smile on my face.

"Guess what." She says. The locker next to me shuts, making both of us jump. We turn and find Taylor rolling her eyes. Her brown hair is up in a ponytail, ready for soccer practice. Thank god, she is here. I can't stand being alone with Brook.

"You slept with Brad." She says and moves next to us.

"How did you know?" Brook wonder. Taylor turns to look at me rolling her eyes and I chuckle.

"Well." She says and turns back to Brook.

"It's not like all of the guys are talking about it." She rolls her eyes again.

"They are?" Brook looks shocked, but really she is the only person people are talking about here. Then the bell ring.

"Ready for practice?" Taylor asks me.

"Yeah, been looking forward to it." We grab our things.

"I can't believe you two like soccer. It's so... dirty." Brook says, leaving us behind as she sees a guy checking her out. Taylor and I look at each other.

"And we are the dirty ones?" Taylor says and I laugh. Ty is the only one that I can be around without feeling as if I want to choke.

The practice was great. Got some nice goals, the coach was impressed. I walk towards the car, no Hunter in sight. I look around, but nothing. You know what, I don't care. I get into the car and start driving home. Ten minutes later, I am here, and I walk in the door. Mom and dad sit on the couch. Dad watching TV, while mom is reading.

"Hey, honey." Mom says, dad turns around to look at me.

"Where's Hunter?" He asks.

"I don't know." I shrug. His eyes widen and he stands up from the couch.

"You left her at school, alone?" His voice rising and his eyes hardened. Mom laid down her book and looks at us concerned.

"You left Hunter alone. You left her... oh my god, this can't be happening." He places two fingers over the bridge of his nose.

"What she is eighteen, she can handle herself." Dad moves his hand from his nose and it looks like he wants to bite off my head. Oh my god, she is old enough and capable to be on her own.

"Yes, she might be eighteen, but she is not in that stage."

"What stage?" I ask, now my temper is raised as well. Dad sighs.

"She grew up in difficult condition, there are things she hasn't learned, that most people have. And she can be a danger to herself." He pushes his brown hair back. We turn around to the sound of the door opening. Hunter comes in, and I can hear dad breathe out relieved. She stands in door opening frozen. It looks like she is not sure if she is going to say something or not.

"Are you okay, Hunter?" Dad speaks first.

"Yeah." Hunter nods carefully. She closes the door and steps in.

"I'm sorry, I skipped the last hour." She shrinks like she is going to be punished.

"And I walked back here." I turn to dad and walk past him.

"Yeah, she is really an idiot." I say sarcastically and walk up to my room.

"Oh my god." I whisper to myself and lay down in bed. I do not know why he is so worried she can manage things herself.

I'll Reach For You (GirlXGirl)On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara