52. You can take everything I have

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"Skylar." I hear Ty coming behind me. I stop and wait for her. She comes with a smile on her face.

"Hi." I say.

"Hi, ready for soccer?" She asks and I nod half heartily. Nothing has been the same. Ty tilts her head and study me. She looks concerned, not again.

"Sky..." I roll my eyes and start walking to the gym.

"Skylar, stop." She grabs my arm and I turn around.

"Skylar, it's been two weeks you haven't told me anything." She looks at me begging for an answer.

"I'm fine, can we just get to the soccer practice?" I ask upset.

"Skylar, you are not fine. You look tired and you do not play soccer with your heart anymore, and you are barely there. To be honest, you look like Hunter when she first showed up here." Her words made my heart ache a little more. I bit my inner cheeks; I remember how Hunt looked like when I first met her. She was so tired and skinny that it was scary. Then she broke down in tears after a while and she let me closer in.

"No, Skylar, I'm sorry I didn't mean to. I know you miss her, but you are not talking to me." Her words make me laugh. She sounds like me when I tried to make Hunt talk to me. God, I am turning into Hunter, now I can't stop laughing.

"What?" Ty asks, confused. I laugh, but then I cry.

"I'm sorry." I tell her and wrap my arms around her. The last time I hugged someone it was when Hunter left.

"It will be fine." She says, trying to calm me down.

"I want her back." I sob on her shoulder.

"I know I would probably be like you if I lost Lauren. It hurts to look at you every day, Skylar. Walking around with dead eyes, and a hole in your heart. You don't talk to me or anyone, it's like you do not even exist." I shake my head.

"I don't want to exist; I don't want to feel anything." I admit. She moves back put her hands right over my ears, her thumbs brushing my temples.

"I'm sorry, but that is something we can't choose. If I could, I would drag her over here for you Skylar, but I can't. I am so sorry." I nod and move out of her hands, then dry my cheeks.

"Can you tell the coach I am not up for the work out today?" I beg her, she smiles and nods.

"Sure, just don't do anything stupid." She jokes and I smile.

"See you later." She says and run to the gym. Since the weather has turned colder, we are practicing inside now. It is getting so cold that I guess the snow is about to come soon. I watch Taylor disappear around the corner and I start walking out into the cold. I am glad Hunter left her warm black hoodie for me, so I can use it for days like this. There is no one else like her. I get into the freezing car and start driving home.

I step into the house, finding dad fire up the oven in the living room.

"Hi, what are you going here?" He asks, and look at the watch on his arm.

"Don't you have practice?" He warm his hands in front of the oven. Then he turns around and look at me with a smile. I just shrug.

"I didn't feel like it." I answer and sit down on the couch. Then I hear dad take a deep breath and sit down next to me.

"I know that Hunter leaving has been really hard, but you can't skip school as much as you have. The school has called a lot; you have skipped six days in just two weeks, Skylar." He put his hand on my knee just like grandma does sometimes.

"And you have lost a lot of soccer practice, I am not sure if you can continue playing if you don't show up." He says worried and I shrug.

"I don't care, dad." I tell him upset. I don't care about anything anymore, I lost interest in everything after she left. She took all of the things I enjoyed with her when she moved.

"You love soccer." He says encouraging. I take a deep breath and turn to look at dad. He smiles, I know he is just trying to cheer me up, but it is not going to work. I shake my head.

"Not anymore." I answer.

"Honey, you can't just give up everything just because Hunter is gone." He says and I sigh.

"I don't have anything to give, dad." I tell him angry and move out of the couch. I look down at him.

"I am tired and heartbroken. I can't sleep and I can't eat. Hunter took everything from me when she left, dad." I take the tears away from my cheeks; it feels like I am doing it every day now.

"I don't know what you want from me, but I know that I am not capable of giving it to you, dad. I want Hunter back, is it really that much to ask for?" I beg and struggle to breath. Dad gets out of the couch and step towards me, but I take one step back and shake my head.

"I want Hunter, it's all I want. You can take everything I have, as long you give me Hunt back." I plead and then walk up the stairs. I take a deep breath and take the tears away. Hunt keeps on telling me she is fine, I still do not believe her. At least she tells me she misses me and that she still loves me. She keeps on asking me about if I am wearing her sweaters. One day I didn't because I had to clean them, then she asked if I still loved her. I laughed, and promised her that I still do, always will.

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