60. Just that little look of hers stole my heart

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It is Thursday night, dad left for a little while ago. Checking in on Hunter and me. He told me there is nothing new and that mum is looking forward to see us again, she is missing us, and she can't wait to see Hunter again.

I move out of bed and turn off the lights, and then lay back down next to Hunt. It is nice here in the evening, because of the snow outside. There is just something about watching the snow that calms me down and making me sleepy. Mia, John and Logan dropped by today, but this time I was awake. John was a tall man with black hair, just like both of his sons. He was more calm than his boy Liam and he had a kind smile across his face. I was just glad Liam wasn't here, I do not think I could have handled him.

My dad complained that I was very grumpy today. I am not sure why I am so upset. Well, except that Hunter didn't wake up today either, but anyway, I do not know why. Dad thought it had something to do with missing Hunter.

I did not really understand what he meant, because I have missed her since she left. Then he explained that being near her, without her talking or doing anything, might drive me insane. It might be the reason, it is kind of frustrating, lying beside her without her moving or talking. I really miss her sleeping on me and the way I could hold her, there is so much I am missing about her, and I want everything back.

I give up trying to sleep, so I kiss hunter on the blue-red cheek and move out of the bed. Then I move my naked feet towards the window and look down at the driving cars in the snow. I think it is getting colder and colder for each day, and the snow is just pouring down.

The sound of someone talking in the hallway makes me turn and walk towards the door then I peek out. Finding Amber with a little blond boy, probably around six years old. It may be her son since they have the same hair color. I step out the door and Amber eyes fall on me and I smile to her. Then I move my legs down to them.

"Hi, I'm sorry if we waked you." Amber says, looking apologetic. I shake my head.

"No, you didn't." I smile to her and look down at the boy next to her. I sit down on my knees in front of him.

"And who is this handsome guy?" I ask grinning.

"Jacob." He answer confident and I chuckle.

"You are not shy at all, are you?" I ask and Amber laughs.

"No, that is the last thing he is." She says, taking him into a side hug. I look at Jacob, who has the same blue eyes as Hunter.

"I remember the first time I met Hunter, my girlfriend. She was the shyest person I have ever met. She was so shy that it was painful for her. Then she looked at me with her amazing blue eyes, just like the one you have." I point at him and he smiles.

"Her blue, deep eyes and that crooked smile, just that little look of hers stole my heart." I put my finger on his chest and poke him.
"So be careful who you look at with those." I tell him and blink my eye. He close his eyes and Amber and me laugh.

"Are they magical?" He whispers to me and open his eyes carefully.

"When you met the right one, they will be." I tell him and stand up again. My eyes drift to Amber, who looks at me with a warm smile.

"She will wake up, just wait for her." She tells me, with a little hint of worry in her voice. Her words make me smile and look down at the floor. How many times haven't I said it already? My eyes drift back up to her Amber.

"I will always wait for her." I tell her.

Then we say Goodnight and I walk back into the dark room. The lights from outside makes me see Hunt still sleeping. I yawn and rub my eyes. It felt good to talk about Hunter, just like me and dad did in the cab on our way here. All of those memories just make me smile so much and fill my heart with so much warmth, and it makes me look forward to make many new ones.

I yawn again and take the hint. I step towards the bed and lay down lightly next to her. Just like all the other times I have done it, I move the blanket over me, then I lay my arm around her, over the duvet and bury my face in her shoulder.

All of this yawning reminds me of the day I fell asleep in Hunter's room, sitting next to her in the middle of the night on the floor. It was when I scared her, and she couldn't look at me. Then after I woke up, all hell broke loose, we were fighting and I was angry with her for days. To be honest, I do not think I was angry with her, just a little irritated for not letting me in.

I kiss her arm and close my eyes.

"I love you."

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