26. You are weak, Skylar

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"You are weak, Skylar."

"Oh, shut up, Hunter." I drag my bag up the stairs; we are finally home after the long drive. Now I can't get my stupid bag up the stairs.

"Did you put some of your cloths in my bag?" I ask and push it after me. I can't remember it was so goddamn heavy.

"Or a brick stone for that matter?" Hunter laughs and help me to push.

"No, why would I do that?" She chuckles. I stop pushing and look at her.

"Did you?"

"No Skylar, come on, it is late and my head hurts" I start pushing again and then I am up. I drag the bag into my room and lay down on my stomach on the bed. The drive was long I did not sleep once. Hunter kept on poking me in the side when I closed my eyes. It was so annoying that we started to fight. Poor dad almost stopped the car, because we made so much noise. He yelled while we laughed. She can really be a pain in the ass. After that, Hunter let me borrow her phone to listen to music. Her music is scary. I mean the screaming, she had the sound up so loud that I almost threw the phone out the window. Well, at least I know what kind of music she likes. God, I am so tired. I close my eyes and let the sleep take me.

I wake up to someone moving behind me. Hunter's arm is around me and her face is buried in my back. The tingling feeling in my stomach never seems to stop every time I find myself with Hunter. There are so many emotions I have around her. I feel happier and I love the way she makes me warm at night. I like the way I can hold her, and the way she holds me. I like her soft hands touching my skin. How I can feel and hear her breathing.

I love her laugh; it is like music to my ears. How she smiles, when her cheeks drown her eyes sometimes. I like that she is small and weightless enough that she can sleep upon me. She is so comfortable with me now. At the start, I could barely touch her without her freaking out. Now she has to lay next to me to sleep and she is more open. Telling me stories about her past, even though it hurts for her to talk about it. But it must feel better afterwards, to let it out, and to know she doesn't have to hide all of the pain. There is still so much I don't know, but I know she will tell me eventually. I want to help her as much as I can, and I hope I can do it. I am only human, and she knows that I am no magician. There are limits of what I can do, and not. I just hope I do not disappoint or hurt her.

"Skylar?" She whispers.


"Did I wake you?" She asks and holds me tighter and bury her face deeper into my back.

"Kind of, but it's okay." Hunter takes a deep breath.

"Sorry. I just can't sleep, my head hurts." She sounds so upset that my heart aches. I turn around to look at her and she looks very tired.

"Where does it hurt?"

"There." She points at her temple. I move my hand out of the duvet and start stroking her head. Her forehead is warm she must really hurt.

"Just close your eyes, Hunter." She keeps on fighting to hold them open, but after a few seconds, she gives in.

"I feel better." She whisper.

"That's good." I say, moving my fingers up and down her temple softly.

"Thank you. For everything." She laid her arm around me, and push herself closer. I can feel her breath on the side of my neck.

"No, thank you Hunter."

"For what?" Her voice is so weak that I could barely hear it. I thought she had fallen asleep.

"For making every day special."

"No problem." Now she has fallen asleep. There is nothing better than watching and hearing her sleep.

"Goodnight, Hunt."

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