54. I am not heartless

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Dad called me to come home right away from school, I don't know why, but he sounded short out of breath. So I guess something bad happened, or maybe he just found out I got kicked out of the soccer team for a couple of weeks ago. I don't know if he knows, but I do not care anyway. I guess that is not a good reason to force me home from school. I stop the car behind dad's, and go in the front door. Dad walks back and forth in the middle of the living room, he looks very worried and restless.

"I'm sorry I got kicked out of the soccer team." I tell him, and he turns around to me confused.

"You got kicked... never mind." He says and walk over to me. He looks so scared that it is freaking me out. And what can possibly be so important that he just threw my confession of not being on the team anymore or even get me home right after school. Something bad must have happened, since he act like this.

"Is mom okay?" I ask scared, feeling the panic in my chest.

"Yes, yes she is fine. Come here." He says, and I sit down on the couch with him. There is something very wrong, because I have never seen him looking at me like this before, his brown eyes full of fear and his hands are shaking and so restless that he can't keep them steady or still.

"Dad, you are scaring me." He looks at me and take a deep breathe, trying to calm himself down; I wish he could have done that before I came in the goddamn door, because now my own hands are trembling.

"Did something happen to grandma?" I ask and feel my heart beating rapidly in my chest.

"No, there is nothing wrong with grandma."

"Then what is it!" I yell, freaking totally out. He looks at me with scared and sad eyes. Then he takes my hand in his and look down at them.

"Dad?" I say more calm, but still afraid and worried. I have no clue what is wrong or what have happened. Just the way he acts drives me insane.

"It's... Hunter." I stare at him. He can't even look at me and I can understand that, because I can't move or breathe anymore. Just like the time Hunt told me that she loves me, but this is something completely different. I haven't seen Hunter for over a month and then something happens to her, how is that even possible. I try not to think the worst, but how can I not, when he can't even look at me or calm down.

"Wha-What happened?" I tremble. Too scared to know what it is, but I still have to. He looks at me with unsure eyes and take a deep breath. Then he looks around the room, as if he is looking for an answer. After a little while, his eyes fall on me again, and I am getting impatient.

"Hunter," He takes a deep breath again, and looks at me knowing that the words he is about to say are going to break my heart much more than it already is.

"She was in an accident, a car accident last night. It was very slippery, because of the snow and another car hit their car in the side. Hunter got badly hurt, but the driver Liam got just some few bruises." My eyes are glued at my dad, it's like I have lost all control of my body. I can't feel anything, except the pain in my chest, that just got a lot bigger. I can't move a muscle and I can't breathe, I am so paralyzed that people could have mistaken me for being dead, but of course that little thing in my chest just has to keep on beating until the day I fade.

"She will be fine Skylar, but she hit her head very bad and she is probably not going to wake up for..."

"Stop!" I yell, I can't handle it. The tears has been raining down my cheeks. I take them away with both of my palms. I thought it was weird that she didn't pick up the phone yesterday, because she always does, or at least send me a message. Like my heart wasn't already torn apart, now the girl I love is not just miles away. She is miles away in the hospital, and I am not there with her. I can't just sit here while knowing she is there. The day she left was the worst day of my life, but this much worse. I can't be here, I want to be with her even though she might not be awake. It is better to be next to her than not.

"Hunter is going to be fine, Skylar." He smiles weakly to me, then look at his watch.

"You have about thirty minutes to pack." He says with a warm smile, I look at him with widened wet eyes.

"Wha-what?" I ask confused.

"I may be an idiot for letting her go, but I am not heartless, Skylar. Get your ass in the air."

He jumps out of the couch.

"Come on, the plane will go in two hours." He says, waking me up. I rush out of the couch and up the stairs. Then grab a bag out of the closet and start packing; I am already wearing Hunt's blue sweater and of course, I am going to take the black one with me as well. Then I take the rest of the clothes in the bag and run down the stairs. Dad looks at me with his bag over his shoulder and a smile on his face.

"Ready?" He ask and take the keys out of his pocket. I nod to him with a smile as well.

"What about mom?" I ask.

"She has to take care of her own hospital and keep the house warm. I hate this house when winter is coming, it is always so cold." He says shaking, and I laugh.

"Okay." I answer him.

"Let's go." He says and we move out and put the bags in the backseat. Then we step into the car and dad looks at me.

"I am really sorry about Hunter, and everything. I should have done something more, and that could probably have prevented what happened to her yesterday." He says regretfully.

"It's not your fault dad what happened to her. You said she will be fine, and then she will." I smile to him. He snorts.

"Yeah, there isn't anyone stronger than Hunter." He chuckles and so do I, because he is right. Hunter is the strongest person I have ever met, she has been through hell and still she can manage to stand on her feet.

"You're right. There is no one like her." I smile to him and he smiles back with a laugh and start the car.

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