66. Maybe a little after that

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I open up my eyes and smile bright as I find myself in Hunt's embrace. She is as warm as the sun on a hot summer day, and her sweet smell makes me hold her tighter. I turn my head and realize we are surrounded by the darkness. We must have been sleeping for hours and I can't remember the last time it felt so good.

The disappointed and sadness is gone, after all of the times I have woken up only to find Hunt still gone. Now she is awake and I have missed the tingling feeling in my stomach and the weakness in my legs of her touch. I roll out of her arm, lightly so I won't wake her. Then I sit up in the bed and look out the window, and I smile as I see it snowing again. The snow is not usually what I like, but since I have been here, I started to like it.

I reach for my phone and see the clock is ten in the evening and that dad has sent a message. Telling me that they came in, but left not long after they found us sleeping, and that they will come back in the morning.

I throw the phone on the chair and lay down next to Hunt. Her eyes closed and mouth locked, and she is breathing gently. I put my lips lightly on her forehead and kiss her a couple of times. Then her cheek, her warmish skin so soft. I lace my fingers in her silky hair, enjoying the feeling of having her here with me. Hunt is always so breathtaking beautiful when she is sleeping. I kiss the corner of her mouth- It almost made me jump out of the bed as she took a deep breath. Then her shaking hand comes on my face. She moves it slightly across my skin and I chuckle.

"What are you doing?" I mumble against her hand as it came in the middle of my face.

"Just checking." She yawns.

"Checking what?" I ask and take her hand from my face and kiss it. She grins, her eyes open slowly and her blue eyes so goddamn bright, just like the sky.

"If you are real." I close my eyes and snort of her cuteness.

"Am I?" I tease with her. She smiles and her eyes wander all over me. Then she moves her hand lightly on my cheek and brush my blond hair behind my ear. Her gentle touch made me shiver and my skin turned into goosebumps, it has been so long since she touched me so tenderly and I know everything in my body have longed for it, just like you long for the feeling of warmth when you are outside in the snow, freezing your ass off.

Hunter's eyes look at me so intense like it is the first time she has ever seen me, and that she can't believe that I exist. She moves closer to me, slowly. I close my eyes and the next thing I know is her lips on mine, it's been too long since the last time I tasted her. Hunt manages to ignite that little fire she started when her hand brushed my face, and all of those emotions I always got from her is swirling in my whole body. Those feelings are screaming on my skin, bones and the one thing that always seems to beg for her, my heart. She pushes herself back, and still she looks at me as if I am a miracle. The kiss was just the way she treats me, so gentle, so careful and so full of love. I gasp for air as I feel the tears forming in my eyes and come slowly down my face. Hunt's eyes turn to worry.

"I'm sorry," She says so apologetic that it tore at my heart.

"I didn't mean to make you cry." She brushes the tears away from my face, still her hand is trembling a little, but I think she is trying to control it better. I shake my head and snort.

"No you just..." I take a deep breath.

"You can't kiss me like that when I haven't kissed you in two months." She chuckles and start to move her fingers lightly on my cheek.

"So, I am not allowed to kiss you?" She asks, unsure, but with a hint of amusement.

"If there goes a day without you kiss me, I am going to kick you." I warn her, and she makes a soundless laugh.

"And what about all of those days I haven't kissed you?"

"I guess you owe me a lot then." I smirk.

"Do I have time for that?" She asks, with a hint of worry. I know what she really is asking for, she wonders if she has to stay with her foster family, or if she is going home with us. The look in her eyes so scared that it makes my heart beat a little too fast.

"I hope you won't get tired of me, because I want to have you until the day I die, and maybe a little after that." I chuckle. Hunt's face turns blank, and she seems speechless.

"Hunti," She smiles as I say one of her nicknames I have given her, I should probably say that more often, if it earns me that smile that is across her face.

"You are coming home with me." Hunt's mouth is moving, either I have become deaf or there isn't coming any words out of her.

"Hunt?" She stares at me. Her eyes blinking a lot, with her mouth slightly open.

"Hunti, honey?"

"I-I am going home?" Her voice tremble. She looks so lost that it is so cute.

"Yes, you are." I nod. She looks so confused as if she cannot believe it. She opens her mouth again.

"Home to that wonderful house, with you in that soft couch, with you in that messy room, with you in that sweet bed?" In some way it looks like she is in shock, she does not move, just blinking her wide eyes and breathing softly. Even though she seems paralyzed, I just can't stop smiling of those warm words of hers. I have missed her in the house, her smile and laughter. I have longed for her laying in my lap on the couch. Most of all I have missed her next to me in the bed, and now I am going to have all of it back.

"Everything is going back to normal." I answer her. She finally grins.

"There is nothing normal about us." She says and I laugh.

"No, there isn't. You were this shy, innocent girl that just came into my house and turned everything upside down."
"You mean this girl you had hatred for?" I roll my eyes.

"Yes, but still I liked you. All of those different emotions you made me feel, they drove me insane, you could make my heart melt, but then seconds later you could just make me so angry, and you can still control me with everything you say and do." Hunt grins. Maybe I should not have said it.

"So, when I tell you I love you, what does it to you?" She asks a little teasing. I close my eyes and shake my head with a laugh. When I open up my eyes again, she has the crooked smile and her blue seductive eyes. Her face, steals all the air I have in my lungs and my stomach tingles.

"I could do anything for you," I lean in and kiss her cheek.

"And I will do anything for you." I move my lips from her cheek and onto hers. How in the name of God, did I survive so long without her?

"I love you, and I will always love you." I mumble against her soft lips.

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