44. You notice if we fall down the stairs

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I open up my heavy eyes, finding myself buried in Hunt's chest. The room is pitch black; I must have been sleeping for hours, and missed dinner. I hope there wasn't anything good they had, because I hate when that happens. Hunter is always adorable when she is sleeping; I love the sound of her breathing, and the way she moves. I kiss her cheek and move out of her embrace.

"Sky?" I hear Hunt whisper, with her sleepy voice. There is nothing like hearing it.

"Yeah?" I say and sit up in the bed.

"You okay?" She asks, worried, but still passed out.

"Yeah, just hungry." I say.

"I can go down and get you something." She is so cute. I shake my head even though she can't see it.

"No, I'll do it, you have done enough." Then I feel her hand on my thigh.

"I'll do anything for you." She strikes again, with her words.

"No, Hunt. You don't have to all the time." I say and kiss her cheek.

"Then I'll come with you." She sounds so tired. I take her hand in mine.

"No, you should sleep, Hunt." I say, and crawl out of the bed.

"I am not tired, I'll follow you." She argues, and I chuckle.

"I'll come back." I promise her, but before I could even take my first step, she is already out of the bed.

"I'm coming." She says and take my hand. I shake my head and start walking into the hallway; I look back at Hunt, who is walking with her eyes closed. She looks so adorable. I stop and turn, she crashes into me.

"I'm sorry." She sounds half-dead, her eyes still closed and I can't understand why she just has to come.

"Hunt you should go back to bed." She shakes her head and open up her eyes a little bit. I can barely see her blue.

"I am fine, come on." She says and put her arms around me. Hunt starts walking, with me backwards.

"Hunt, I can't see where we are going."

"I can." She says.

"I am not sure if I trust your eyes right now." I tell and she chuckles.

"You notice if we fall down the stairs." She says kissing my cheek.

"I don't really want to notice that." I tell her and she snorts. She lets me go and we make our way down to the kitchen. I open the fridge and find pizza. I look at Hunt.

"Why didn't you wake me when it was dinner?" I sigh. I love pizza.

"I tried to, but you were dead." I snort and put a slice of it in the microwave. Hunt steps behind me and put her arms around me. She leans her forehead on my back.

"Don't you fall asleep on me." I chuckle as she kisses me on the back.

"I love laying on you." She says and I take out the pizza.

"I can't eat if you don't let me go." She doesn't answer.

"Hunt!" I say loud and she moves back.

"Yeah, what?" She sounds so distance, but more awake. I think she drifted away for a second. I turn to look at her.

"Go to bed, Hunter." I say and walk into the dining room. She follows, and we both sit down across from each other.

"No, I'm fine." She says and bury her face in her arms on the table. I start eating, while looking at Hunt. She is as gone as she can be. God, she can be very stubborn sometimes. I finish the last bite, and move over to her.

"Hunt." She has fallen asleep on the table. Dammit, she can be so adorable.

"Hunter, come on." I say and shake her.

"Hmm?" She mumbles in her arms.

"We are going to sleep." I tell her and drag her up from the chair.

"I am already sleeping." She answers, with closed eyes.

"I know, but you can't stand and sleep." I say, and she warps her arms around me.

"Now I can." She chuckles.

"Come on." I say, and drag her with me up to our room. She falls down face first on the bed, making me laugh of her. I move her further in and lay beside her, taking the duvet over both of us. She turns around and bury her face in my chest.

"I love you so much." She mumbles against me. Why does she have to be so super cute when she is tired?

"I love you too." I wrap my arm around her and kiss her on the top of her head. God, I am never going to be tired of this. I start stroking her in the hair and she move her arm around me, and press her cheek closer into me.

"I like that." She whispers and I close my eyes.

"I know." I say and yawn.

"Goodnight, Sky." She mumbles.

"Goodnight, Hunti."

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