5. Goodnight, Skylar

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Taylor and I are on our way to Brook. Her parents are gone for the weekend. It sometimes happens, and every time she throws a party. The last time she had one, it got so damn messy that we used hours before we got finished cleaning.

We were lucky because just an hour later they came home. I swear I have never seen Brook with her heart up in her throat like that before, she is usually calm and full of energy. Sometimes I wonder if there is a brain in her head, it seems empty in there. Taylor parks the car behind a small Audi.

"I guess the party has already started." Taylor says. We walk out of the car and over to the house. Trying to avoid the maze of cars and people. The sound of music and talking people hit my ears. We both reach the door, which is open.

I step into the mess, some are dancing and others talking. A guy comes running past us with a girl on his heels. She has her shoes in each hand. They run out the door, Taylor and I look at them. The girl throws her shoes after him.

She barely hit him with the last one. Inches away from his head. Taylor and I look at each other and shrugs. Since I was the one driving us home last time, it is my turn to drink. Taylor has to be sober.

I stumble towards Brook, who is filling up a glass.

"Can you fill mine too?" I ask, she turns to look at me with a bright smile, I think. Things are a little dizzy and blurry.

"Yeah, sure." She takes my glass, but it slips out of her hand and on to the floor, breaking into pieces. We look at each other and then burst out in laughter. Brook's hair looks messy, so does her clothes. Her eyes are almost closed. She looks as tired as I feel.

"Okay, I think you two girls have had enough." We turn to find Taylor, with a grin.

"No, we're fine." I say, and lay my hand on her shoulder to steady myself.

"Yeah, we are having fun!" Brook shouts, making the others cheers. I yell with them. Taylor does not look happy.

"I think it is time to get you home because that is the third glass you have been around that has cracked," she points at the pieces on the floor.

"And that's less than a half an hour."

Taylor holds me under the arm and helps me towards my front door.

"Your Key?" I open my purse but get lost in it. She gets impatient and grabs it out my hands.

"Jesus, Skylar." She says and opens the door.

"I can take the rest by myself." I say and steady myself on the doorframe. She looks at me doubtfully.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, go." We say goodbye and she drives away. I stumble in the door, into the sound of talking. Oh my god, do not tell me my parents are still up. They are going to kill me. I take a deep breath and walk straight into the living room. Only to find Hunter in the couch watching TV.

"Why are y-you up" I hiccupped. I shake my head and fall and hit a mom's small table, the sound of something braking makes me wince. Oh, shit. Before I know it Hunter is already next to me. She takes her arms under mine and starts to drag me.

"What are you doing?" I mumble. She opens a door and takes me into the bathroom.

"What is going on?" I hear dad yell. Oh, that's the way. Hunter runs out and closes the door, leaving me here.

"Sorry, I walked to the table with an accident." I hear Hunter says, her voice unsteady just like my feet. Why, is she taking the blame? I try to stand up, but my legs are only failing me.

"Okay, well my wife really loved that vase." I hear him sigh.

"I guess no TV for the rest of the week." I breathe, when did I stop breathing?

"Good night." I guess Hunter just nodded to him since I did not hear her voice. The TV turns off and I hear footsteps. She opens the door, finding me on the floor. I try to get up.

"Let me help you." She moves over and takes me by the arm. I stand up, we look at each other for a moment; her hair is up in a ponytail. She looks tired, bags under her eyes and she looks a little red, probably rubbed her eyes a lot. She looks like she is about to pass out any minute.

"You ready to walk?" She asks and yawn, I just nod. Hunter holds her arm around mine firm. We walk nicely to the stairs, and then we stop to take a break. I breathe and blink hard. Hunter is yawning again. I turn to her. She has that same crooked smile on her face, and her blue eyes shining, just like the day on the roof. It makes me blush again.

"Can I ask you something?" Am I not sure, if I am the one talking or if it is the alcohol? She nods.

"What did you do to end up here?" She freeze, her tired eyes widen. Then she opens her mouth, but close it again. Her eyes wander to the stairs.

"We should get you up." She says, not one look at me. We take the first step easily, then the rest and cross the hallway towards my room. She opens the door.

"Was it drugs?" I ask. She takes both of us in. She does not say anything but helps me down in the bed. I look up to her, her face blank, unreadable.

"Goodnight, Skylar." She whispers my name so soft that her voice lingers in my head. Then she walks out and closes the door, leaving me alone.

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