73. That is exactly my point

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It's Hunt's birthday today. Unfortunately, it was school day and I had to go or dad would have killed me after all the skipping I did last year. I swear my knee was shaking like hell of tension and my heart looked for a way out of my chest. The day went to slow, but I am not sure if it was a good thing or not, because I am so goddamn nervous to give Hunt the present.

I park the car in the driveway, and I sit here watching the door, while tapping my fingers on the steering wheel. Since I picked up Hunt's gift, I have been so full with tension. I know Hunt has no interest in things like jewelry or even like to get dressed, so decide to buy something simple. Two black rings since it is her favorite color and I choose to get it engraved. I hope she will like it, because I love them. Since it is not that fancy she will not yell at me for using too much money.

Hunt does not like when I use too much money or give her anything at all. I remember that I bought her a new phone, because the one she had was so slow that I almost threw it on the ground and jumped on it. She was glad for a new one, but not that happy that I used money on her.

I step out into the cold snow and get inside. The first thing that hits me is Hunt's arms around me.

"Don't ever leave me alone with your aunt, ever again." She says holding me so tight that I can barely breathe. I nod in shock, what in the name of god did Kristen do now. She comes out of the kitchen door with a grin.

"What did you do?" I ask and notice flour on her cheek.

"We are baking." She says blissful. My eyes widen and I shake my head.

"Y-you are making a cake?" I ask shocked.

"Yeah, don't look so surprised." She snorts and walk back in. I wrap my arms around Hunt and feel all the worry and the tension fade away. It has been a long day, and a hug from Hunt is just what I needed. I breathe her in, she smells as good as always, but this time with a big hint of vanilla. Hunt moves back, but I am not letting her go.

"What?" She chuckle. I kiss her on the neck and breathe her in again.

"You smell too good for it to be legal." I mumble on her neck.

"Your aunt gave it to me as a birthday present and just sprayed it all over me, before I could even react." She sigh, and I chuckle as I kiss her neck again.

"At least she got a taste." I say as I bit her earlobe. Hunt quiver and jump out my arms.

"Don't do that." She grin and shake her head. I move my arms around her waist and kiss her cheek.

"Happy birthday." I mumble on her skin.

"Thank you," she says and I keep on kissing her cheek.

"Stop." She cups my face.

"No," I say disappointed and pout. She bit her lower lip and then grin.

"You smell too good for me to even be this far from you." I tell her and she roll her eyes.

"You are just some inches away." She laugh.

"That is exactly my point." I say frustrated, and take her hands away from my cheeks.

"I need help in here!"

"GODDAMMIT KRISTEN!" I shout so loud that Hunt jumps. She bits her inner cheeks and she has fury in her eyes. Then she points at her ears.

"I need these two!" She yells.
"Sorry." I apologize.

"I am not going back in there." Hunt says while shaking her head. Then she gives me the pleading face. Her eyes so soft looking and she bites her inner cheeks it makes her look small. She always bit her inner cheeks no matter what, if she is angry, sad or like now begging. I put my hand over my face. I can't watch her looking at me with those innocent eyes.

"No one is stepping into the kitchen when she is there." I say and take her hand in mine and lead her up to the bedroom.

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