Chapter 5: New York

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"Love is like a friendship caught on fire. In the beginning a flame, very pretty, often hot and fierce, but still only light and flickering. As love grows older, our hearts mature and our love becomes as coals, deep-burning and unquenchable." - Bruce Lee

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Eleanor Pallos' POV

We reached the Central Park known as the lungs of the New York city since it's the midpoint of the city and it was beautiful. It feels like you're out of the city, but in fact it was the core of the city and looking around, you could see the skyscrapers buildings, surrounding the park.

Lots of things to see. From Central Park Zoo, Belvedere Castle and the Friedsam Memorial Carousel and restaurants that give a beautiful overlooking breathtaking panorama.

There's also the Sheep Meadow and the Great Lawn that offers a sprawling grassy expanses where visitors can relax and enjoy outdoors. At this hour the Great Lawn is pack with visitors who wanted to just relax and get more sun.

Nicolai has been kind to explain to me the places. The place is massive and a day is not enough to survey the whole area. There are so many places to visit within its boundaries. We managed to visit Belvedere Castle, the Great Lawn, Shakespeare Garden, The Ramble, and a few, and left me feeling that we merely scratched the surface.

"So you're not dating anyone?" Nicolai starts as soon as we sat side by side comfortably under the sun in one spot, with my eyes rounding the tourists such myself. A lot of them were almost naked, mostly women who sprawled on the grass on their back with exposed skin taking advantage of the bright sunlight to get tan as much as the sun could give.

The grassy lawn looks like a beach with thousands of barely-clothed sunbathers stretched out on towels.

Men were playing catching while some couples were amble along, arms in his, others just strolling around the area.

"I wasn't." I replied shortly as I glance at him briefly, then drifting my eyes back to the women laying on the grass. Most of them were staring at us, or I would say to him.

I can't blame them.

Nicolai is a great distraction, especially to the opposite sex.

Just his dominating stance, women would swoon over him and would do anything to get his attention.

I could also see the envy stare from the men as they shot him a scowling stare whom he never even give a shit about it.

He looks relax, although he's still wearing that impassive look, it only gave him that domineering aura.

I've seen gorgeous men before, but none of them had surpassed that beauty now laid in front of me. Perfection could be the perfect description to his face, body, except his character. It's the opposite of his looks.

A walking dick.

"Why aren't you dating yet, sweet pea?" I look at him and he was still staring at me.

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