Chapter 23: Love

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"Love is like a good cake; you never know when it's coming, but you'd better eat it when it does!"

― C. JoyBell C.

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Nicolai Petropoulis' POV

"The RIG Capital Holdings Ltd revised transactions still undervalued the RiosCartner & Co., therefore, IFIG's proposal is much superior." Blayne reported.

I heaved a relieve sigh. RiosCartner spurned the IFIG's proposal a few months ago arguing that IFIG did hostile bid, undervaluing the company.

" We will pursue its transaction on the proposed terms and will fully committed to achieving its rapid completion. There's no way RIG Capital Holdings would surpass our proposals." I told Blayne.

"In case, the special dividend offered in the RIG deal would reduce RiosCartner & Co.'s capital by more than $480 million and significantly weaken the reinsurer's financial strength."

"Then, they should know better that our proposal is much higher than anyone else." I nodded in oblivion. I'm done with this stupid RiosCartner.

"We will remain fully committed to its $6.1bn bid for RiosCartner & Co. The proposal is financially superior, with no financing conditions, and it can be completed swiftly and will retain and build upon RiosCartner & Co.'s highly talented management and employees."

"Yes, Sir."

After talking to Blayne, my VP, I resumed emailing and reading proposals, signing documents, and revising. I've been in front of my laptop, files that was fax by my secretary scattered on the coffee table in the living room.

I check the time on my wrist watch and it's already one in the afternoon. I didn't realized it's past lunch.

Elle left this morning to wrap up all the things in her office before we leave to Athens tomorrow morning. We will be picking zio tonigh at the tarmac. His flight were postponed.

I tidy up all the documents and tuck it neatly inside the brown folder, then power-down my latest mac laptop, folding it shut after. I stood up and stretch before taking my phone and dialled Elle's number.

I miss her already. I smiled as I waited for her to pick up my call.

Not long. "Elle's Speaking," her soft melodic, angelic voice reach my ears.

"Hi, sweet pea." I smiled like a fool.

"Hey." I heard shuffling sound of papers in the background.

"Still working?" I asked. My forehead crunched not liking the idea. I have this feelings she missed lunch.

"Yes. Almost done here."

"Did you eat anything yet?" I pace back and forth in the living room with my other hand tucked inside my pocket while the other holding my phone close to my right ear.

"No. You?" I could sense her stopping from what she's doing. The shuffling sound disperse.

"I forgot to watch my time." I said. "I'll come pick you up and we can have lunch together." I got so excited at the idea. I missed her already. God, I'm so in love and the feelings of being with her was beyond happiness.

I never felt so contented and beyond happy.

"Alright. I'll see you shortly." I could sense her smiling, which made my smile broadened. "I love you!" She added on and I was foolishly grinning.

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