New Sequel Coming soon? Also a series?!

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Hey Finding Beauty fans, it's Kiera! I know I've said that I was going to make a sequel to Finding Beauty and I did. However, I unfortunately deleted it due to lack of inspiration but I have great news:


I'm so excited because this was the first full length novel that I was able to complete with your guy's help and I'd love to continue the story. Also, I'm thinking about making more books after this sequel and turning this whole thing into a series. After all, this story has helped me with so much and you guise inspired me so it's the least I could do.

However, this make take awhile since I'm a senior and college isn't too fair away, but I promise this WILL HAPPEN. :)

Anyway, back to the sequel, I will be rewriting and editing it to make a little better and I will work on it soon. I just wanted to let my divines soon.

Stay tuned for more updates about Finding Courage and the other whole series! :)

UPDATE: Click on the next chapter to find a link to the sequel (:

Kiera <3

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