[11] - Chapter Eleven

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“Okay class since you guys are going to need to know the periodic table of elements, I’ve decided to assign you a project to make things a bit easier.” Mrs. Rial explained as she sat on top of her desk with her legs crossed. “You and a partner will receive a periodic element and you must research on how this is used in our daily lives. You can’t choose your partners either.” 

The whole class groaned but I honestly didn’t mind it. Thankfully, I didn’t have to choose my own partner because I barely knew anyone in here except Dean whose emotions are so bipolar that it’s hard to keep up. 

“I will read your partners off of this list,” Mrs. Rial announced as I turned to grab a stack of paper, “and then I will pass out the instructions. This project will be due in two weeks. Okay first off, Amber and Violet…” As the list went on, I started to get a bit anxious as more and more weren’t getting partnered with Dean at all.

Turning towards Dean, I noticed that his green eyes were fixated on his cell phone and he had a serious look on his face. I rolled my eyes and sighed, I definitely didn’t want to get him as my partner. I tried so hard to be so nice to the guy and he just pushes me away. I wish I understood what he was going through.

“…and McKenzie and Dean.” Mrs. Rial finished as she put her list along with the stack of papers she was holding and hopped down from her desk. Walking over to the whiteboard, she put a lock of her blonde hair behind her ear and smiled at the class. “I will now write all of your elements on the board. Austin can you please pass out the instructions sheets?”

A boy around my age with black hair and light honey brown skin got up from his desk and walked over to his desk. Picking up the stack, he began to pass out the sheets. As he did so, I looked back over to the board to notice that Dean and I were AU the element for gold. Sighing, I put a lock of my dark hair behind my ear and waited for Austin to finish passing out the sheets.

Once he was finished, everyone was moving their desk and rearranging the room so they could better with their partner. I did the same thing and scooted my desk closer to Dean which didn’t do much either, he just ran his fingers through hair and continued to surf his cell phone.  

Rolling my eyes, I sighed once more little bit annoyed. I didn’t have time for this. “Okay” I spoke up hoping to catch his attention, “Since we have the element AU, we can talk about pennies since they are made from gold or something.” 

But Dean didn’t even respond, shrug, or even smirk. Groaning with frustration, I finally reached over towards him and snatched his phone away from his hands. “Hey!” Dean exclaimed with sudden shock, “What the hell!”

“Look, I don’t know what your problem is but I’m tired of it. We have a bunch of stuff to do and I don’t appreciate how stupid you’re acting since I’ve been nothing but nice to you.” I snapped furiously as I rolled my eyes. “Can you please just cooperate for once?” 

Dean looked up at me completely astonished about what I said but then he took his phone away from my hands and laid it on his desk. “We can talk about the gold rush in our project too, I guess.”

I smiled at him. Finally, man I was on fire. 


Around lunchtime, I sighed sadly as I realized I had a bunch of homework to do already and the school wasn’t even over. For my elements project, you had to do a quick write and a poster on the research you find. Not only that but I had a bunch of essays and worksheets from my other classes. 

I’ll just go to the library after I eat lunch, I guess. Walking towards the lunchroom with a crowd of people, I noticed that I was a bit hungry and a little bit tired after all. After Kale dropped me off that night, it was pretty hard to sleep because all I could think about was that I kissed him. I kissed Kale and he liked it, not only that but I pissed off my insecurity ghost. 

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