[03]- Chapter Three

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  • Dedicated kay All of my divines!

I was right. I woke up to the sound of my alarm blaring viciously and I gasped as I noticed that school was going to start in ten minutes and I had two finals to take. Pushing my covers off of me, I stumbled out of bed and literally fell to the floor due to the hurriedness I was in. Picking myself up, I immediately ran to my closet not even bothering to open my blinds or turn on the light. It was too much time to waste! I pulled out the first clothes I’ve touched not even bothering to really look at which outfit I picked out.

Throwing my outfit on my bed, I ran quietly to the bathroom and washed my face. I didn’t have enough time to pick on makeup so instead I moved on to my hair. As I bring a brush through my knotted tresses, I wondered if my parents were home yet since it’s been a couple of days. Probably not, they are never home.

Ignoring my thoughts, I pulled my hair into a messy bun and ran back to my room. I stripped off my pajamas briskly and pulled on the clothes I’ve picked out. Then, I checked the time and I literally panicked. I had four minutes left until school started and I wasn’t allowed to be late or else I wouldn’t be able to take the final.

Sighing, I stuffed my belongings and such in my backpack, zipped it up, and ran towards the door not even bothering to find something to eat. “Mom, Dad, you home?” I called as I ran through the halls. When no one replied, I sighed with frustration. I should’ve known.

Slipping on my converse sneakers, I ran towards my car, buckled up, and started the engine. Due to frantically worrying, I drove a little bit over the speed limit but I made sure to be careful. However, being careful wasn’t good enough because as soon as I was halfway there, my car ran out of gas.

I frowned as I bit my lip to hold back tears. This can’t be happening. Getting out of the car, I glanced around. I had pulled my car near the sidewalk and other cars were passing by. The school was about five minutes away and I knew I would never make it. Running through my fingers with a dreaded sigh, I got out my cell phone and just as I was about phone someone for gas, a car honked at me.

Looking up, I noticed it was…was…Kale?! I immediately flushed as he realized he was trying to get my attention. Getting out of the car, he smiled at me for a brief second and then he frowned once he glanced over at my car. “Did you run out of gas?” Kale asked me. “If you did, I can give you a ride. I’m running late myself.”

I bit my lip to stop myself from blushing and slowly nodded. “Um yeah, my car ran out of gas.”

“Okay, hop in.” Kale replied with a smile as he opened the passenger’s door for me and climbed inside of his car. His car was a BMV and inside of his car, it smelled just like him: Melon and Strawberry.

I buckled up just as soon as he started the engine and I couldn’t help but too blush. Maybe this day wouldn’t be so bad after all.

I was wrong, when I got to school, everyone was laughing at me and I knew why. My clothes didn’t match and I was little bit confused on why I didn’t notice or why Kale didn’t say anything. However, it’s not like he could’ve done anything but still this was so embarrassing. I was wearing black slacks with an orange sweater, slacks for heaven sakes! I frowned, why couldn’t I just picked out jeans instead.

Anyway, my first period teacher wasn’t as bad as I thought he would be. I was five minutes late, but he let me take the final anyway. Maybe it was because he felt sorry for me since the entire class was laughing and talking about how I looked today. At least that class was over and now I was on break. Since it was a minimum day, I only had to survive my Government final and then I could go home.

But I wasn’t going to stay by my locker and let everyone make fun of me. Taking a deep breath, I locked up my locker and walked along the huge crowd of people towards the bathroom. As I walked, I noticed a few people were snickering behind me. “What is she wearing?” A guy behind me asked. “She looks like she’s going to a funeral, is that the mute girl?”

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