[06]- Chapter Six

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  • Věnováno My patient divines!

For the first time in forever, I’ve actually woken up with a smile on my face. Not only did my ghost of my insecurities stopped talking to me towards the end of yesterday but I actually went to Sunni’s Sundaes with Kale and it was super fun! The depression, the loneliness I’ve been feeling was starting to fade away and I wasn’t going to let anyone take this away.

Thankfully, my insecurity ghost didn’t show up at all as I got dressed which was good of course. Today I settled with skinny jeans, a brown solid tank top, and a dark blue colored cardigan. Then, I tossed my hair up into a messy bun and put on light makeup. When I was done, I glanced up in the mirror and sighed not feeling satisfied on how I looked, but before I could brush it off, my ghost grinned up at me through the mirror.

“You can go away.” I retorted as I rolled my eyes at her. “You aren’t going to ruin my day.”

“You’re making a really bad mistake.” She warned as she rolled her own eyes and seemed to chuckle at me. “Why would Kale like a bullied and worthless piece of crap like you?”

I glanced at her in utter shock. I didn’t know how to react or what to say but it really hurt me. But then I realized something. “It’s your job to put me down, to make me feel worthless and twist up things. But I know the truth, Kale likes me for me and I’m not going to let you ruin it with your—

“Who are you talking too?” A voice suddenly asked and I swirled around to see my mom.

“Mom,” I gasped. “You’re home?”

“Yes and so is your father, but we are conducting really important business right now so please keep it down and go to school.” My mom ordered as she crossed her arms and raised her eyebrows.

“But you just got home…” I trailed off as soon as I realized my mom already departed and sighed. That was an excellent way to knock down my happy mood. Rolling my eyes, I walked over to my backpack and swung it over my shoulder.

I shouldn’t let my parents get to me, I know where I stand.


As soon I entered the school building and walked up to my locker, my phone started to beep. Making sure they were any teachers around, I pulled out my phone and realized it was a text from a Stefanie.

Stefanie: McKenzie bby, how are you doing? Xx

Me: I’m doing fine. My parents returned but it’s like they never left but I’m good. Xx

After sending my text, I threw my phone back into my backpack and sighed. I didn’t tell anyone about my insecurity ghost and I wasn’t going too. People would think that I was crazy. Other than that and my parents putting their work before me, I was okay I guess. Opening up my locker, I pulled out everything from my bag and prepared for Chemistry class.

Just as I was about to close up my locker, I saw Caroline the yearbook girl talking to some girl I didn’t recognize. “… He’s such a jerk.” The yearbook girl frowned as she rolled her eyes. “I mean, I did cheat on him but can’t he take me back? I mean he’s interested in older—

I rolled my eyes myself and stopped listening; Caroline needs to let it go. Kale doesn’t like her, if she made the mistake, then it was her fault. He moved on. Closing up my locker, the bell rung on cue and I walked right towards Mrs. Rial’s class. As I did, my mind shifted to Dean. He should be back by now and if he was, I knew what I was going to do.

I was going to thank him because he stood up for me which still didn’t make any sense to me. Pushing the door open, I glanced up and saw Dean. He wasn’t looking at me first but when he heard the door close behind me, he glanced up and our eyes locked. He immediately looked away and I cleared my throat as I bravely walked to a seat that was beside him.

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