[02] - Chapter Two

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Waking up at the crack of dawn on Monday morning, I sat up and sniffled. I couldn’t cry any longer, my eyes were out of tears. Running my fingers through my messy dark brown tresses and rubbing my swollen eyes, I pulled myself out of bed. As soon as I approached my dresser, I picked up the friendship bracelet I made for Stef during the weekend. The bracelet was blue and purple which were her two favorite colors and the colorful beads spelled out her name.

Slipping on my wrist, I grabbed my cell phone and texted Stephanie.

Hey Stef, I hope u didn’t leave yet. I made u something.

Surprisingly, a beat later, my phone chimed.

O u did?! Come on over, I didn’t leave yet. I’m going 2 leave in an hour tho. I’m so sorry for just springing this out on u, I should have told u earlier. I feel awful.

Taking a deep breath, I bit my lip as I replied.


After pressing send, I didn’t feel guilty for not saying “it’s okay” to her at all because it’s not. I didn’t know what I was going to do now, but for a start, I just might listen to my friend’s advice. Putting my cell phone down, I changed from my comfortable pajamas to denim jeans, a green tank top, and a white cardigan.

Next, I put on makeup to hide the ugly bugs underneath by eyes. Not really fancy just concealer, foundation, blush, and mascara. Looking at my reflection, I winced. My light brown eyes looked sad and my entire face wasn’t very comforting. Turning away, I walked out of my bathroom, packed up my backpack, made up my bed, and left my room.

When I walked into the kitchen, I noticed that there was a note on the fridge from my parents.

At a business trip, career first. –Mom and Dad

I huffed, I suddenly didn’t feel hungry anymore instead I felt sick. Of course I should have known that my parents were going to work, but I needed them right now and I felt like they didn’t need me. Frowning, I take my car keys and head to Stefanie’s house not even daring to look back.


Parking my car in front of Stefanie’s house, I glanced outside the window. Her house looked the same as usual, a two story basic house but what was new was the “For Sale” sign. I sighed, it was official. I was on my own. Once I turned my car off, I walked towards her doorsteps as a cold wind hits my face.

The wind wasn’t at all comforting and before I knew it, the tears were beginning to form in my eyes. Ringing on the doorbell, I stared at her marble colored door waiting for an answer. The door flew open and it was Stefanie who opened the door and I realized she has been crying as well.

Her beautiful hair was pulled back in a ponytail, her blue eyes were sad, and she had a small frown on her lips. “Hey” She greeted sadly as she pulled me into a hug. “Thanks for coming.”

“Of course I would come, you’re my best friend.” I cracked as tears fell down from my eyes. I walked right inside and she shut the door behind me. I glanced around her living room to see nothing but plain brown boxes everywhere and no furniture was in sight.

“The movers are coming in twenty minutes so we still have a bit of time. Are you going to school today?” Stefanie asked me.

“Yes. No one’s home anyway so I might as well.”

“Talk to Kale okay.”

“I will try.”

“Don’t try, just do.”

I giggled; I was going to miss this girl. Pulling the friendship bracelet off of my wrist, I gave it to her. “I made you something so you can remember me. Of course, we’d still be in contact but I really wanted to make you a ‘goodbye present’, I guess.”

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