[08]- Chapter Eight

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“Are you sure you’re okay?” Stefanie asked for the millionth time as I slowly packed for school. To be honest, I wasn’t okay at all. Not only did my parents confront me about the shattered mirror but the threat that my insecurity ghost made was haunting me all weekend. Dean already seemed like he had a bunch of things happening to him and if my ghost tried to do anything to him, it’d break my heart.

“Yes, I’m fine.” I lied softly as my eyes become watery and I bit my lip to stop the tears from flowing. “It’s just that I’ve been loaded with homework and I didn’t have time to answer your previous calls or texts.” But to be honest, I was sobbing and crying all weekend feeling like it was my fault.

I didn’t even do any of my homework yet and this was all because I made my insecurity ghost mad. “Well, next time just give me a brief text. I was very worried about you okay?”

“Okay” I sighed as I zipped up my backpack and placed around my shoulders. Walking towards my dresser, I took my phone off of speaker and placed it against my ear.

“So anyway, how was your date?” Stefanie asked with a happier tone.

“It was great, Kale said he wouldn’t mind if we actually dated.” I informed her trying my best to stop thinking about my ghost’s threat and back to the movies with Kale. “He enjoyed Frozen too, he said it was better than Wreck It Ralph and he gave me his jacket to wear since it was cold, he’s pretty nice.”

“Then what are you waiting for?!” She retorted with a delighted sigh. “Ask him out already.”

“Hmm, I don’t know.” I replied back with a sigh.

“Why not?”

Before I could even reply, my mom suddenly barged into my room and I immediately told Stef I had to go and hung up. My mom crossed her arms and gave me “I’m so disappointed in you” look.

“I’m sorry about the mirror, Mom” I told her apologetically. “Next time, I’ll make sure I won’t swing my purse against any glass.”

“You better,” My mom snapped as she rolled her eyes. “You know how much that mirror cost?”

This conversation wasn’t really helping about how I felt. I just wanted to call back Stef and pretend this never happened but it did. “I’m sorry.”

“You better be, now get to school.” My mom demanded and with that, she walked out and slammed my door.

Sighing, I walked out of my bedroom not even daring to look in the mirrors or even comment on how I thought I looked. I was afraid of my ghost and I wasn’t sure if that was a good thing. I also don’t understand why she would want to hurt Dean instead of Kale. Not that I wanted things to go that way, it’s just Dean and I aren’t exactly on the same page.

But that doesn’t matter, I needed to get to school as quickly as possible and make sure that Dean was okay. Sighing, I grabbed my phone and placed it inside up of my backpack making sure to zip it up carefully.

Once I was done, I walked away from my dresser and out of the door.  As I quickly walked towards the garage where my car was located, I felt sick and overwhelmed. But pushing my feelings aside, I opened the door and immediately scurried towards the car. Once I closed the driver’s seat behind me, I pulled out of my car keys and started the engine. I hoped that I would make it to Dean in time.


I was freaking out, Dean wasn’t at school and I’ve looked everywhere on the school grounds. Running my fingers through my hair in frustration, I tried to stay calm but I already knew what was happening. It was too late now and my insecurity ghost must’ve wrecked his life even more.

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