[27] - Chapter Twenty-Seven

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Before school was starting, I peeked into the window of my chemistry classroom to see Mrs. Rial and Kale kissing once again. I was bit nervous but I told myself that this had to be done and I couldn’t run away from my insecurities forever. Sighing, I pulled out my cell phone and took several pictures.

Once I was finished, I stepped away from the door and checked over the pictures. Some were them were pictures of them kissing aggressively and others were touching each other in an inappropriate manner. I scrunched up my face in disgust reminding myself that as soon as I was done with this, I will immediately take this crap off of my phone.

I slipped my phone back in my butt pocket and walked towards the office. Since there weren’t a lot of people here, I don’t think Kale’s friends were here to watch which is good. Thankfully, I didn’t bump into any of them.

Reaching the office, I noticed that the secretary at the front desk was typing away on her computer so I cleared my throat to her attention. The woman looked up at me and smiled. “Oh, hello and how may I help you?”

“Hi,” I greeted and then I cleared my throat again nervously. “I need to tell the principal about something I saw, it’s kind of urgent.”

“I see,” The secretary nodded, “but unfortunately he is busy right now. Do you mind addressing me about the situation and I’ll pass it over to him?”

“Sure thing,” I breathed and took out my phone. “It’s about Mrs. Rial; she’s having a relationship with a student.” I gave her my phone for her to see the pictures for herself and she looked through them.

Her face grew stunned and horrified, I understood completely. Before this all happened, I would never suspect this either. A moment later, she gave me my phone and took a deep breath. I think she was about to have a breakdown or something.

“Well, that is…um we’ve never had a problem like that before,” She murmured underneath her breath and she cleared her throat speaking louder and clearer. “I will address this to the principal immediately and may I borrow your phone to for…for evidence please?”

“Okay,” I replied politely with a nod and gave her my cell phone. “When will I get it back?”

“You can pick it up after school,” The secretary explained to me. “I’ll make sure I will address this matter before school ends, okay?”

“Okay, thanks.”

“No problem.”

And with that, I turned to leave. Taking a deep breath and pulling out my messy bun, I finally walked out of the office feeling more relieved than I ever been. Kale doesn’t control me and now he’s going to get the punishment he deserved! Hopefully, this ends the cycle of him dating girls just to cover up his secret because soon enough everyone will now.

This means that I may get confronted but I had to do this and I don’t regret it either. Walking back to my locker, I told myself I’m ready for whatever’s going to happen today.


During chemistry class, Dean isn’t talking to me. And even when Mrs. Rial allowed us to work together for homework, he still avoided me. I told myself that I had to bear it, I should have told him earlier anyway. I just hope he’ll forgive me someday and with that, I ignored the pain and decided to just do my homework on my own.

As I quietly answering the questions, I looked up at Mrs. Rial and I noticed she was watching me intently. It was almost terrifying and I could tell that she was still pissed at me from yesterday. Well, it may seem scary to have a ghost as my teacher possibly a liar ghost, but she’d disappear soon. I was almost there; I just had to bear this too.

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