Finding Beauty is having a Spin Off! [Coming Soon in Late 2019]

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Hey guys! I'm adding a new chapter to finding beauty to inform you all that I have decided to write a spin off, a new story that will feature some characters from Finding Beauty! The main characters that will be featured are Dean, McKenzie, and Stefanie! If you want to know if they are any more featured, you have to read my new story to find out!

My new story will take place in 2019 whereas Finding Beauty takes place in the years that I wrote it (2013-14). Therefore, all of the characters will be 23 years old! With that being said, you will get to see Dean and McKenzie's future if you read my new story! You will also get to see Stefanie's but I will try not to spoil too much in the new story in case I finish Finding Courage in the future!

So how is my new story connected? I will tell you now! First let me reveal the new story's name!

It's called "I Want To Be Like You"

And here's the description!

Sixteen year old Nadine Fisher feels like life is moving too fast.

It seems like seconds ago, everyone was pumped up to start high school and friends stuck together. Now everyone had romantic partners, the best clothes, the best socials, and the happiest faces.

As Nadine sees her friends drift away from her and fit into the status quo, Nadine finds herself becoming lonely as she becomes the exact opposite of everyone else.

In order to cope with the changes around her, Nadine bribes the most popular girl in school into making her fit in with everyone else.

However as Nadine learns to pretend to be something she's not, will she uncover and accept who she truly is?

Okay now that you've read the description, let me tell you how they are connected and no, it's not through Nadine.

It's actually connected by the "popular girl in school" who is linked to Dean from Finding Beauty. The popular girl's mom is Dean's Aunt, Dean moves in with her at the end of Finding Beauty.

So there you go! If you read "I want to be like you" you may discover more about Dean's past! With that being said, it's all exciting content and I hope it makes up for the lack of updates and my hiatus from Wattpad!

I apologize and I hope to get motivation to finish Finding Courage soon. However, I think that you guys will enjoy this and I will definitely enjoy writing it because I miss writing about Dean and McKenzie!

Anyway, that's all! I will link you my new story and please go there for more information! [Check out the external link down below]

Thank you and I hope to see you all there!


Kiera Price

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