[31] - Epilogue

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 I lay across the hot sand and watched the fireworks go off in the sky. It was the fourth of July and San Diego Boardwalks always holds a celebration. Usually, I never went but this time my boyfriend Dean decided it’d be special to celebrate our two month anniversary.

Speaking of Dean, where was he? Sitting up, I glanced around and suddenly I felt myself soaked with cold and salty water. Looking up, I noticed that Dean had poured ocean water all over me. Laughing, I stood up and pushed him teasingly. “You’re going to pay for that!”

He crossed me arms and cocked an eyebrows, amused. “How are you going to do that?”

“I honestly have no idea,” I said to him with a defeated sigh, “but I’ll figure something out.”

“If I kiss you, will you forget about this incident?” Dean asked pretending to be frightened.

“Hmm I guess since it is Fourth of July,” I giggled.

“And our anniversary,” He added.

“Okay,” I sighed. “Come here.” And with that, I wrapped my hands around his neck and he wrapped his arms around my waist. As our lips collided, I felt ecstatic as the butterflies entered my stomach. This was such a perfect moment, fireworks going off, the waves are crashing against the shore, and everyone is celebrating around us.

Once we released, I wiped the sand off of me with my towel and laid my head on his lap once we rested on the blanket. As we watched the fireworks, I thought about May. Dean always told me that this was her favorite time of the year because she got to hang out with her brother at the boardwalk. Even though pink wasn’t really a ‘Fourth of July’ color, May always wore pink on this day.

And now we’re honoring her favorite time of the year as I’m wearing a pink two piece bikini while Dean’s swim trunks are pink.  I never really got to known her but she seemed like a lovely girl and maybe I’d meet her someday.

After minutes of watching the fireworks, Dean pulled out his cell phone and looked down at me. “It’s time!”

We both got up and walked to the big basket we brought to the beach. Pulling out balloons, strings, and permanent markers, we blew up balloons and wrote: May, it’s your favorite time of the year. Each word was on a different balloon. Once we were done, we ran to the shore and released the balloons in the air.

“You’d think she’d see them someday?” Dean asked me as we watched them go up into the sky as the fireworks popped behind them.

“Yes,” I assured him with a nod as I grabbed his hand. “And she’d love them.”

He tossed me a short kiss on my cheek and then we stood there watching the fireworks and letting all of the waves crash onto our feet. Things were starting to get so much brighter. I was beginning to become closer to my family once again and we were going to Disneyland together in a couple of weeks. Austen stopped talking to us once he realized he had no one now and Scott and Dean were starting to become friends again. I became really close to Caroline, she didn’t seem that bad after all. She was just as hurt as I was. As for Kale, well I never saw him again. And for Stefanie, she was going to Disneyland with us. Mary Anne was also happy that I conquered my insecurity ghost and she told me that as long as I stayed beautiful on the inside, there’d be no problem.

I never really had problems with insecurities after that, I learned how to conquer them by telling myself that I’m worth it every day in the mirror which always helped me. I finally knew who I was and now I’m being myself every day. Being someone else will just lure the insecurities back in.

I also know that I’m not perfect and I’ll have insecurities here and there but I still overcame them because the beauty and confidence I have is going is to be with me forever. And no one could change that except for me.


A/N: Thank you guise so much for reading Finding Beauty! This is the last chapter but still I hope you enjoyed the story. Before I leave, I want to tell you guise to stay tuned for the author's note. I will thanking all of you guys and plus, I will be talking about a POSSIBLE SEQUEL to this story. It'll be more focused on McKenzie's best friend Stefanie and I'll give you guise more details about in the Author's Note. :] Luv you <3


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