Chapter Nine: T.V. Night

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I sit on my bed on my room bored out of my mind. I decide to draw so I go over to my black desk and sit down. I open my drawing book as I put my headphones in. I play my music as I start to draw.

After an hour or so I get bored again I close my book and take my headphones out and get up. I walk out of my room and downstairs seeing Sally, BEN, Jeff, E.J., L.J., Ticci-Toby, and Hoodie all in the living room. Sally is in the corner playing with her stuffed teddy bear. Toby and Hoodie are playing cards on the floor. And Jeff and BEN are playing Call of Duty: Black Ops while E.J. and L.J. are watching them.

"Hey." BEN says not taking his eyes away from the screen.

"Hey." I say walking over to a spot on the floor near the couch and sit down crossing my legs.

I watch them play.

"You wanna play?" BEN says.

"Um, I don't care." I say shrugging.

"Jeff, give him the controller." He says.

"What, no, why should I?" Jeff says.

"Jeff, I've killed four times now, it's time for someone else to play." BEN says pausing the game.

"Ugh, fine, take the damn controller!" He says throwing the controller at me and getting up walking away.

I catch the controller and get up and go sit in his spot.

"Thanks." I says.

"Yep, anytime now lets play." He says unpausing the game.

After a little while of playing, I've killed BEN seven times. He throws the controller across the living room and it hits the wall getting stuck in the wall making a hole. We are all laughing at him throwing a fit.

"I hate you!" He says crossing his arms.

"Anyone else wanna play?" I say.

"I'm good." E.J. says.

"Uh, no thanks." L.J. says.

"Ok." I say putting the controller on the coffee table.

E.J. grabs the T.V. remote and changing it to the T.V.

"What do guys you wanna watch?" He asks.

"Oh, can we watch AHS!" I say jumping up and down.

"What?" He asks.

"American Horror Story, da." I say smiling.

"What is that?" L.J. asks.

My jaw drops as I grab the remote out of E.J.'s hands. I put on the first episode.

"Um, ok?" E.J. and L.J. say.

"Do we have popcorn?" I ask.

"Ya, it's in th-" E.J. starts to say before I pop up out of my spot running into the kitchen.

I grab the box of popcorn out of the cabinet and putting two in the microwave. I go and grab a big bowl and put it on the counter. The popcorn finishes up as I grab it out of the microwave and pour both bags into the big bowl. I walk out of the kitchen and back into the living room turning off all of the lights and sitting in the spot that I was sitting in before.

"Go ahead, make your self comfy." L.J. says.

"Ok." I say putting my feet on the ottoman.

"Popcorn anyone?" I ask.

I pass the popcorn around as everyone gets some. I look up at the clock to see it's 6:09pm.

"Oh my Zalgo, I love this show." Toby says.

"Whos Zal-" I try to say.

"Same, it's awesome!" E.J. says.

"I'll be right back." BEN says getting up and running upstairs.

Not that long later be comes running back downstairs with a ton of blankets and pillows.

"Lets make the most epic blanket and pillow fort!" He says dropping all the blankets and pillows down in the middle of the living room.

"Oh my Zalgo, yes!" L.J. says.

Whos this Zalgo guy and why do they keep saying his name? I just shrug going back to reality. I pause the show as everyone grabs some blankets and pillows.

"What the fuck are you guys doing?" Jeff says walking down the stairs.

"Fort." I says.

"With b-blankets and p-pillows!" Toby says.

"Oh my Zalgo, can I join!" Puppeteer asks pushing Jeff out of the way.

"Uh, ya!" I say as he runs and grabs some blankets and pillows.

After a while of building we finish up. The whole living room is full of pillows, blankets, and some of T.P.'s (The Puppiteer) glowing strings.

I play the show as all of us run in and get in our spots in the fort. We are all laying down eating popcorn. I love this place!

"Ok, five minute break?" L.J. says.

All of us agree as I pause the show again. We all get up out of our spots. I walk into the kitchen grabbing a can of coke out of the fridge as Toby and T.P. do that same.

"So how are you guys liking the show?" I ask.

"Oh my Zalgo, its amazing!" They both say.

"The five minutes are over!" BEN yells out as we walk back into the living room.

I go and lay down back in my spot as everyone else does the same. I press play on the remote again and the show continues. I finish up my coke not that long after I opened it. Then Slenderman walks in.

"Uh, what are you guys doing?" He asks.

"Having the best night of our lives!" I says in exitment.

"Uh huh, well I'll just leave you guys to, um, whatever you guys are doing." He says turning around and walking away back into his office.

Almost everyone laughs at his response then we go back to watching the show. After around five hours or so I finally start to get tired. Hoodie and E.J. have already fell asleep and I can see everyone else getting tired as I look over at them. My eye lids start to get heavy as my head falls down onto my pillow. My eyes close as the room around me goes dark then I fall asleep to the sound of people dying on the T.V.

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