Chapter Thirteen: My new friends

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After what it seems like hours of talking it starts to get dark in the sky.

"I think I may have to go." I say.

"Oh, um were do you live?" Jade asks.

"Oh um......" I say not wanting to tell them.

What would Slenderman's reaction be?

"Please, we don't have a place to stay." McKenzie says giving me puppy eyes.

"Fine!" I say. I can never resist the puppy eyes.

They all put a smile on there face except for Nathan. He never really even talked to us.

"Follow me." I say getting up and starting to walk to the mansion.

"Ok." They all say.

After a while of walking we finally arrive. I could see all of there eyes widen at the masion. I smirk at them.

"So, who all lives here?" Nathan asks.

He speaks!

"Oh, shit!" I say remembering about everyone.

I'm probably gonna get in so much trouble.

"What wrong?" Jade asks.

"Stay here!" I say running inside the place seeing Jeff, BEN, and E.J. sitting on the couch in the living room.

I run to Slenderman's office and run in closing the door behind me and seeing Slenderman and his brothers looking over a me.

"Um, I have some friends. Is it ok if they come in?" I ask.

"What? No!" Slenderman yells.

"If you meet them, then can they?" I ask.

"Fine." He says after taking a little time to think.

I run back out side and tell them to follow me. I run to the back door and into Slenderman's office with them behind me.

"What are you names?" He says.

They don't answer they just stare at his featureless face.

"Guys." I whisper yell to them.

"Oh right, I'm McKenzie and this is Jade, Shannon, and Nathan." She finally says pointing to them.

"Were did you come from?" Slenderman questions.

"We use to be hunters for Zalgo but them we ran away from the fucking jerk." McKenzie says.

"They use to be hunters." Slenderman says looking over at me with an angry tone in his voice.

"What did I tell you!" Slenderman yells.

"We aren't anymore though, we ran away from Zalgo and his army though." Jade says.
"They could give us good information about Zalgo and his army." I say to Slenderman trying to persuade him.

"Fine, but keep a good watch on them just in case, ok?" Slenderman says.

"Ok." I say nodding.

"We have a spare room next to Jake's room, you guys will sleep there." Slenderman says to them.

They nod.

"Lets go." I say walk off to the stairs and up to my room.

Luckily nobody noticed them yet. I walk over to the room next to mine and open the door looking into there room. It looks like mine except its just black and white.

"This is were you'll be sleeping, I'll go so I can let you guys get situated and fingure out everything." I say walking out of the room and closing the door behind me leaving them in there room.

I walk over to my room and reach for the door knob when I see BEN in the corner of my eye walking over to me.

"Hey." He says.

"Hey, what's up?" I ask.

"Nothing, just wondering if you would want to play some more games?" He asks.

"Sure, better than doing nothing." I say shrugging.

We walk over to his room and walk in as he closes the door behind me. We go and sit down in front of his T.V. and he hands me a controller.

"So what game are we gonna play?" I ask.

"I was thinking Legends of Zelda: Major's Mask?" He asks.

"Ok." I say.

I don't really know that much about Legends of Zelda but I have heard of it. Then we start to play. It's accually a pretty fun game. Then some one walks in. We both look over at the door way to see Jeff.

"Oh, never mind. I can see you guys are busy." He says we a smirk and winking then walks away closing the door behind him.

"What was that all about?" I ask.

"Oh, nothing. He just likes to joke around." BEN says.

We then continue to play. After a while of playing it starts to get dark.

"I think I should go, its getting late." I say.

"Oh ok, its fine." BEN says.

I get up and start walking over to the door.

"Oh wait I forgot, I got you a welcome present!" BEN says as he runs over to his dresser.

He opens it and grabs a box with green wrapping paper.

"Here." He says walking over to me and handing it to me.

I take it and open it. I see its a black and green Nintendo 3DS case. I pick it up and open it. Theres a Nintendo 3DS in it with all of the Legends of Zelda games. A smile quickly grows on my face and I hug him. I quickly let go pulling back.

"Oh my Zalgo, I'm so sorry I didn't mean to." I quickly say.

I could see he was blushing too.

"I-its ok." He says.

"Well, thank you for the gift!" I say happily.

I walk out of his room and close the door behind me. I look and see Ticci-Toby in the hallway.

"Oh hey." I say.

"Whats t-that?" He says looking at the box with the 3DS in it.

"It's just a welcome gift from BEN." I say.

Then I could see anger in his eyes and he grinds his teeth a little. He quickly walks behind me and opens the door to BEN's room and shuts it behind him. I can hear arguing on the other side of the door. I just shrug it off and walk to my room. I go in closing the door behind me and sitting on the bed. I take the 3DS out and put it on the bed. I place the box on the floor and lay down on my bed. I get on my new 3DS and start to play the first Legends of Zelda game.

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