Chapter Nineteen: The Big Battle (part 2)

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So far over half of Zalgo's hunters have died. They arnt really good fighters. Zalgo and Slenderman have been fighting for a while down. I run over to my fellow proxies that are in a group back to back fight and killing. I jump on someone's back and put my axe on they neck and push my axe towards me breaking his neck killing him. I let him go as his lifeless body falls down to the bloody forest floor. I run over to them walking over the dead bodies. 

"Hey!" I say. 

They dont respond, they are too focus on killing. I join in too on the killing swing my axe everywhere causing more hunters to die. 

"NO YOU BASTERED!" I hear someone yell. 

I look around and see it is Trendorman. I run over to him seeing why he yelled out as i stop. I see Offenderman's now lifeless body laying on the floor. I look around to see who did it as tears start to fill my eyes. I see a guy in all black except for his black and white striped scarf and his mask. His mask is hald white and half black. 

The black side has half a smile and a eye on it. And there is another person too, a girl. She looks almost exactly like Laughing Jack but a girl version. They start running and me and Trendorman run after them. I throw my hatchet at the guy and Trendorman grabs them both with his tentacles.

He wraps one of his tentacles atound there shoulders and another tentacle around there legs. Then with in a second he rips them in two making there blood drip. Then he throws there split in half bodies at the floor. Remind me never to piss off any of the Slenderman brothers. I go and grab my hatchet out of the guys leg and put it in its holster. I look over at Slenderman and see that Splenderman and now Trendorman are fighting Zalgo. 

Almost all of the Creepypasta surround Zalgo stabbing him and shooting at him. Some people are still fighting his army too. I start to run over to Zalgo to help out on taking him down. I swing my axe at a hunter who tries to swing there katana at me but i dodge it. I kill another hunter after another killing them. I run up to Zalgo and start swinging my axe at his leg with all the force i can. Then he starts to fall over. I loom up to see the now three Slenderman brothers tentacles in Zalgo's stomach. He screams out in pain. 

"HE...... COMES........" He says.

Those are his last words before the dead demon falls down to the ground dead as his blood spews out of him. I loom atound at the battle field as more hunters and Creepypasta fight. Some try to run away but fail because of Slenderman and his brothers teleporting in front of them killing them by wrapping them apart and there tentacles going through them like they did to Zalgo. 

I run and join in on the fight once again getting more cuts and bruises. Then not that much longer after all of the hunters and Zalgo's army are dead. Only a few got away before Slenderman or his brothers could get to them. We start to walk back to the masion. I walk over to BEN seeing his Link outfit almost covered all the way in the red crimson colored liquid. 

"Hey." I say. 

"Oh, hey." He says kind of sad. 

"Did you hear about......" I start to say. 

"Offenderman, ya. I just cant beleive that he died, he is one of my favorite people in the world." He starts to say as some type of black liquid starts to come out of his eyes and slowly rolls doen his cheeks and drips down off of his chin falling on his outfit mixing with the blood.

I hate to see him like this, it just breaks my heart. 

"Everything will be ok." I say. 

"Are you sure?" He asks. 

"Yes." I say putting a smile on my face to reassure him. 

I look over to see Slenderman carrying Offenderman's dead body. Splenderman is on his left side and Trendorman is on his right side as they walk. I just want to burst out in tears seeing Offenderman dead. 

"H-hey!" Someone yells behind me. 

Me and BEN both stop and turn around to see Toby running at us. 

"Hey!" I say back as he catches up to me and BEN. 

"Did you hear?" I ask. 

"Ya, i couldn't even believe it at first but then i saw Slenderman carrying him." He says. 

"Ya." I say as we start to walk again heading back to the Creepypasta mansion. 

But then i stop because something didnt feel right like someone was watching me. All of the sudden i feel a sharp and painful felling go through me in my stomach and back. I look down to see the tip of a blood covered katana going through me. Then the world around me goes black. The last thing i see is BEN and Toby start to cry as everyone surrounds us. I fall down on the bloody forest floor closing my eyes and pass out feeling dead. Is this really how it ends, all i have done?

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