11. Hollywood Ball (Part 4)

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Costanzo was deep in thought and silent sitting next to the wall, looking down for minutes now. Adele was looking worriedly at him as she was sitting in front of him on the floor. Adele didn't know whether to break the silence between them and had no idea about what to say to make Costanzo feel better. Costanzo looked in great pain and she didn't want to make him feel any worse. She just whispered "I am so sorry. I wish I could help you..."

Costanzo wiped his tears away and looked into her eyes "Thank you Adele for listening to me. As I said, I must deal with this problem alone. But it was nice getting all this off my chest. When I saw her message on the flowers I was very devastated. How could she intend to hurt me this way? How could she threaten me with taking lives of innocent women who through no fault of their own have been associated with me? I never did anything to her to deserve her threats and her hate."

Adele spoke "I know. This sounds outrageous. But cant you assign body guards to all these women she has threatened?"

Costanzo nodded "I can but they are all ancient history. Thy don't even live near me. As long as I don't go near them, she wont hurt them. Only Elize is here tonight. I can imagine that according to Sancia, she is the biggest threat. Elize is single once again and within my reach. She would hurt her in a heart beat if I even acknowledge Elize in the slightest way tonight."

Adele spoke carefully "I am confused. You don't have to answer me but I am curious. Why would Elize be a threat? Francesco forbid you from being with her. You wont go near her. You just won't dare do that since you know Francesco would kill her. Sancia is too clever to not notice that...... unless she doesn't know about Francesco's hate towards law makers. Maybe she doesn't know Francesco hates Elize because of her father's occupation as a senator.". Why would she see Elize as a threat."

Costanzo sighed and spoke with pure sadness in his voice "Sancia knows about Francesco's prejudice and his hate for Elize. But she also knows how much I love Elize and what lengths I am willing to go to be with her. She must remember well about what I did and how I defied Francesco the last time I saw Elize. It all happened in one of the areas her late husband, O'Neil controlled. Francesco had to ask him for permission to enter. O'Neil and Francesco were not allies....." He then looked away."

Adele spoke "What did you do? ....."

Costanzo took a deep breath and shook his head as he turned to look up at Adele " I did the craziest stunt anyone would pull in my situation.... I ran away with Elize. I ran away with her to Las Vegas. I knew I was alone. No one would have helped me. I made a phone call to my uncle Piero to ask for advice. He told me I only had one way. I must have gotten married to Elize and also ..... you know.... Elize had to become pregnant with my child. That could mean Francesco would have had no choice but to let us be. But as you can guess, that plan didn't work out. I deliberately entered O'Neil's territory to get married so that would make it less likely for Francesco to come find me. A wedding is a civilian event that mob bosses allow to happen without causing tension. I thought I could get married without any problems. But I was wrong and it backfired. By the time I stepped inside the church to get married, Francesco's men had tracked me down. They found me....."

Adele gasped in horror "What did he do? What did he do to you and Elize?"

Costanzo continued "Francesco and my father entered the church and wanted to kill Elize. Francesco even took aim but luckily my uncle Piero who was one of the guests arrived at the scene on time. He shielded Elize and had a go at Francesco and my father telling them that they were not allowed to murder in no church. My father was happy to walk out and wait, hating to hear my uncles arguments. But Francesco wasn't having any of it. He said he only wants me and Elize can go free if my uncle backs off. But if my uncle refused to comply, Francesco promised to kill Elize when she stepped foot outside and he wasn't going to miss. My uncle was on my side even though my own father had decided to take sides with Francesco. I have a suspicion that my father told Francesco where I was when I had contacted my uncle. Unlucky for me my father lived with him so he had found out about my plan. Only if Francesco hadn't found out, I would have gotten married that day. I would have been happy...." He paused and took a deep breath.

A Mob Boss's Family (Book 2 Of The New York Mafia Trilogy)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora