24. Pain is Part of Life

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  • इन्हें समर्पित: RimaJabri

At the mention of the swimming date, Adele frowned " Oh. I totally forgot. I really don't like swimming?"

Francesco spoke " Why not?"

Adele shrugged " I can't swim. I am scared of drowning."

Francesco nodded " Of course. I am guessing your dislike of swimming has nothing to do with the fact that you have to try on that swim suit you bought earlier, the one you didn't even let me see when you tried it on."

Adele looked away " I .... think that's not a problem."

Francesco grabbed Adele's chin and turned her head towards his and planted a gentle kiss on her lips. " Hm. Are you sure sweetheart?"

Adele spoke " I am sure."

Francesco pretended to think " Alright." He then got up from his position from top of Adele where he had her pinned down. He sat at the edge of the bed " I believe you but lets be sure." He then without warning started tickling Adele making her laugh out loud and pleading him to stop " Francesco ..... Don't.... Please."

Francesco carried on tickling her " You never learn. Don't lie to me sweetheart. Confess that you are shy."

Adele spoke " Ok... I am shy... I find it too embarrassing to ... wear a swim wear...."

Francesco stopped tickling her and spoke " Good girl. At last you spoke the truth. Don't hide anything from me. I can tell when you are embarrassed. But sweetheart. Don't be shy. We are not strangers. I am your soon to be husband. Wear your swimming gear under your dress. If you don't want to take your dress off at the pool, then don't. I won't force you. But I will teach you how to swim. It's essential. We have a lake at the mansion. You should know how to swim there."

Adele nodded " But I am not embarrassed because it is you..,." She then saw Francesco narrowing his eyes so she corrected herself " I mean. I am a little bit shy but .... I don't like my body shape. My legs are too skinny."

Francesco spoke " There is nothing wrong with you sweetheart. You look perfect. Any one who says otherwise doesn't know what beauty is. You are beautiful."

Adele spoke without thinking " Angelo used to tease me and say I have match stick legs when I used to play basketball."

Francesco spoke in a thoughtful tone " Did he? He obviously is wrong. I tell you sweetheart.." ......Then he thought to himself " I am going to shove down match sticks down his throat." He then smiled " Never mind. Why don't you go to the shower and get changed, while I go to my head of security and hold a quick meeting with some of my men. Then we can go to breakfast."

Adele complied and walked to the wardrobe picking some clothes and then he heard Francesco leave soundly.

Francesco was adamant to teach Angelo a lesson. No wonder Adele had such low confidence with her body and didn't even want to get changed in front of him. Angelo had drilled into her that she was not attractive and too skinny.

Francesco arrived at Angelo's door and turned the master key into the key hole, unlocking the door. He entered Angelo's room and as he walked to his bed, he was shocked to see his bed untouched and empty. Then he saw a note on the side table. He picked up the note and read it out loud " I am on my way to freedom. I will save my sister from your grasp and you will never see her again. I guarantee it. There are more deserving men out there for her. Regards, Angelo (Tell Anna I am sorry for breaking her heart)

Francesco was seeing blood now. "How could Angelo be so foolish to think he could get away from him?" Francesco thought to himself.

Francesco was going to find him and punish him severely. The consequences for betraying his organisation was highly excruciating and painful. Francesco was going to make sure to make an example out of the traitor. ...... But part of him knew he couldn't hide this from Adele. His angel was going to break apart if she found out what kind of consequences awaited her brother. For the first time, Francesco felt guilty about imagining the demise of his enemies. He never wanted his relationship with his future brother in law to come to this. He had placed guards everywhere. He had taken cautions. The question was how Angelo had managed to slip away. He knew Angelo couldn't have many accomplices otherwise he would have tried to take Adele with him while she was alone in her room last night. Obviously Angelo didn't have enough resources to take Adele. He then stared at piece of paper and it all sank in, the piece of paper had the letters A.V in the back ground. Ambrogio Voltolini had Angelo in his palm. That was Ambrogio's style to play this way. He always let his enemies knew where he was involved.

A Mob Boss's Family (Book 2 Of The New York Mafia Trilogy)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें