49. A Thanksgiving (Part 13)

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Adele was waiting in her room for Antonio to bring Angelo to her again after he had seen a doctor. Francesco had gone downstairs to the party again to avoid seeing Angelo with Adele and also to give her privacy with her brother.

A knock came and Antonio entered with Angelo. Antonio nodded respectfully to Adele and then roughly told Angelo to stand next to the pole again.

This security arrangement about when Adele was alone with Angelo made no sense. Adele couldn't understand what Angelo could do in that heavily guarded mansion that he was restrained for it when they were alone but didn't object as Antonio handcuffed Angelo's hands behind a pillar like pole leaving him standing and left.

As the door closed behind Antonio, it was Angelo who spoke first this time " Antonio told me you want to see me. But I said what I had to say Adele. I will try to get you out of here. I have until you get married. Then I would back off. What else is there to say? We got interrupted the last time but what is there to discuss? ........ All he has done is rushing you into a long distance relationship and then after bringing you here for hardly a few days, he expects you to agree to be his wife. Do you know half the things he does when he is not with you? Has he told you about how he makes his money? Why is he in a rush to marry you? Don't you think all this secrecy is telling you to run a mile. A husband and wife must have no secrets but Francesco has too many secrets he can never tell you and others around him are sworn to secrecy too. Have you heard of the code of omertà. This code bounds every member in his organisation together. I have sworn by it too. But you haven't. You still can save yourself. You must leave Adele. Leave with me. It's worth a chance. Even if you get caught, you would live. No one would hurt you. You must run as far as you can from here when you get the chance because you are still not married yet...."

Adele sighed and walked to Angelo standing in front of him " Angelo, what you don't understand is that... ... I chose to say yes to Francesco's hand in marriage. He is my fiancé...."

Angelo spoke " What's there not to understand? You made a mistake by agreeing to marry Francesco. He would not have forced you. I don't understand why you said yes. But that's besides the point. The point is I will spend every last ounce of energy I have to get you out of here."

Adele crossed her arms over her chest as she was shaking her head standing in front of her brother "Angelo, firstly be reasonable. You can't get me out of here. Not unless you betray Francesco. You are watched closely now. You can't execute any plans and I am glad you can't. It would be pointless to risk your life again for nothing. I am happy to stay here...."

Angelo was looking at Adele with a strange look "You can't be happy here. Adele, you are surrounded by dangerous criminals. Its not too late to leave. You are not sworn by Omerta yet. I have sworn by it. Omerta is a code of silence that can't be broken by any one. You do that and you die. I don't want you to die Adele. You are my sister. Look at what happened to Francesco's mother. She betrayed Francesco's father and broke the code. Paulo didn't decide to kill her straight away but he eventually decided to."

Adele was looking at Angelo with questioning eyes "What are you talking about? What do you know about these matters? Francesco's mother got a divorce..."

Angelo spoke "Why do you think that was? She betrayed her husband. She had a cousin .... a senator who was after her husband. He invited her to his home and she went there without Paulo's knowledge. She thought she was helping her husbands case so he wont go to jail and was compromising with the senator. Then what do you think happened. She gave too many information out and then there was an investigation..... Paulo found out his wife had gone behind his back. He eventually went after the case and managed to dismiss the case by bribing the judge and destroyed all the tapes recorded by his wife. That wasn't the end. That was the beginning of tension. Paulo never forgave his wife but didn't have a choice but to live with her. His wife was pregnant with Francesco at the time by the way. So it added up to years of tension until they got a divorce. You may think Francesco would be different and he might be. He might be like his uncle Piero. Did I forget to mention that Piero's wife also was there with her in that meeting. There was a different outcome for her. Piero forgave her but she couldn't stay because she didn't want the same life for Antonio. Once she found out she was pregnant she left to give Antonio a better life. But she failed. Piero got to her first and took back his heir...."

A Mob Boss's Family (Book 2 Of The New York Mafia Trilogy)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя