57. A Thanksgiving ( Part 21)

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Angelo sighed and walked to the drinks table. He wasn't even thirsty but he just needed an excuse to occupy himself. He didn't like how Arturo was giving him hateful looks from across the room as he was talking to Sancia and Emanuelle. He couldn't tell what Arturo was saying to them even if he tried. There was still live music playing in the room as the guests were waiting for Francesco and Anna to return so they could all go to dinner.

Arturo kept glancing at him in the middle of his conversation and Angelo had a bad feeling about it. Arturo seemed like a strong, dominant character who radiated authority from meters away. Angelo definitely couldn't see himself getting along with him. But he could see Anna with him. She could handle him. They matched well. At the thought of Anna he sighed deeply. Maybe if Arturo didn't exist, him and Anna could have a chance together but Angelo knew that he just wasn't Anna's type of man who could ever make her truly happy. He didn't deserve her, he thought. He wished he could to talk to her and clear the air. He wished he could tell her he just wanted to see her happy with Arturo. There was just too much chemistry between Anna and Arturo. Anyone who saw how Anna and Arturo looked into each others eyes could understand that.

As Angelo put his empty glass on the table and contemplated which drink to have, he heard him from behind "Angelo. Is it?"

Angelo turned around and saw non other than the devil himself, Arturo Agostini. Angelo spoke " That's me sir. Nice to meet you."

Arturo spoke " I can't say likewise Angelo. I have heard so much about you from different sources. But I would like you to tell me about yourself. I know you danced with my Anna at the Hollywood ball. I know you tried to take over her heart. There is no need to deny that. But I wish to know what is special about you. Who are you really? I have heard enough about you but wish to hear it from you too ." He then looked at him expectantly.

Angelo spoke " There is nothing to tell. I am just a doctor working for my sister's fiancé at this compound. There is nothing special for me to tell you about myself. But let me inform you that .... actually sir, I have heard so much about you too prior to tonight...."

Arturo spoke " Really? Who has been informing you about me?"

Angelo replied " Anna, of course. At the dance, she told me so much about you and how you have known each other since childhood."

Arturo narrowed his eyes " Go on. What else have you heard?"

Angelo spoke " Anna told me enough to know that .... I was competing with a man I could never beat. She made me realise how special she is and how special her relationship with you has been. It made me realise, what a formidable woman she is and I realised I could never make her happy but I know you can."

Arturo asked suspiciously " What makes you think that? You met my woman on one night and you pass on such judgment."

Angelo sighed " Because when she was really smiling and giving me a look of joy and excitement was when she mentioned you. She talked of you in a manner that made me feel I was a stranger in the presence of a woman who was already taken. You have a special place in her young heart. I wish I was the one for her but I am not."

Arturo was taken back. He didn't expect Angelo to respond that way. He just wanted to have a short conversation with him and let him know he was not happy for Angelo having eyes for his woman but then came the revelations from Anna that Angelo mentioned. Anna actually had talked about him. She remembered him at that party as she had danced with Angelo. Arturo needed to hear much more now. As he was about to push for more information, he was interrupted by O'Neil who stood next to him and faced Angelo.

O'Neil spoke " Hello there doctor. I am sorry, I haven't been able to catch up with you till now." He then put his hand on Arturo's shoulder and whispered in his ear " Become allies with Francesco and I. Then you can borrow the doctor. What do you say?"

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