65. Before Arrivals

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Costanzo was walking back slowly to the manor after being given his brother's final decision. He knew well enough when to stop pushing Francesco. The fact that Francesco had let him walk away with no consequence was a miracle itself. He did not know why he even bothered going to his brother but he was the only one he counted on throughout all his life. When he thought about it, his brother was the only one who was always there for him. He always looked out for him when their father was not. Francesco was always the one protecting him even from a distance. But after all this time he still was in need of saving and he had even gone to Francesco even though Francesco hated Elize with a passion.

Costanzo was feeling defeated. It was not just the pain of helplessness in saving Elize that hurt him. It was the pain of hearing the truth. It was the pain of his brother's true intentions. His brother had forbidden him to get close to any one with ties to senators, governors, FBI, police or anyone that had high potential to turn against the family. Now he could see why his brother did what he did. His brother had tried to prevent him from suffering the broken heart of witnessing the death of someone he cared for when they committed treachery or moved against the Rosarios. Now he knew how his brother was so desperately trying to protect him and prevent this day from coming. But it was too late. He knew Elize. It didn't matter they both had moved on. He knew her. He had dinner dates with her. He had played tennis with her. He had gone horse riding with her. He knew her. That was what Francesco was trying to prevent so he didn't fall to pieces if the woman potentially went against his family. He felt pain. All this time he hadn't appreciated what Francesco was trying to do. He had despised his actions but now he respected him more than he did before. Francesco's words were out of concern. His brother loved him. He truly did.

As he was deep in though, he heard a voice behind him. He turned around and saw Antonio walking out of one of the heavily guarded guest houses. He ran to Costanzo and spoke "What happened? What did Francesco say?"

Costanzo shrugged and walked away as Antonio walked alongside him "What do you think he said? He said he warned me what would happen. He said I should watch happens and learn my lesson. The worst part is that I feel .... he has been right all along. He tried to protect me and I did not see it..."

Antonio asked hopefully "So, does this mean you are letting it all go. I did not expect to hear it but miracles do happen. I felt guilty letting you go by yourself to talk to Francesco but I can't risk rocking the boat with Francesco. You know he wants to hurt my father. I can see it in his eyes. I can't afford to be in his bad books."

Costanzo spoke "I won't let it go."

Antonio spoke "Come again.."

Costanzo turned to his cousin "I won't let it go. I won't let her die."

Antonio spoke "Are you crazy? You do not have any chances of success unless Francesco backs you up. You can't do this. I can't do this. No one can but Francesco. You can't take on the Don. He would crush you to pieces." Antonio was looking around hoping no one was at ear shot. They were a good distance from any guest house building. They were a short walk away from the main manor still. Antonio knew they couldn't discuss anything so openly and kept watch.

Costanzo sighed as he whispered "Don't you think I know that. I know its suicide but I am going to get her out in the next few days. You heard the Don. Since its celebration time they won't do anything to the prisoners for another week since Mama Adriana wouldn't like her husband being out of the house for business when guests like her estranged grandsons are staying here. So Elize has a lifeline for a few days."

Antonio spoke "No. You can't do this Costanzo. Are you crazy? Think of Amaranta.."

That made Costanzo stop walking. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath "I will protect both."

A Mob Boss's Family (Book 2 Of The New York Mafia Trilogy)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ