23. An Engaged Couple

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As Francesco returned to his room, he changed his clothes without making noise and walked to his bed. As he was about to get on the bed, he halted as he took the form of his beloved sleeping on the bed. He was totally astonished that his beloved had taken off her night gown and had her night dress on in bed. That warmed his heart to know Adele felt comfortable enough around him now to wear her sexy night dress that he had never gotten to see. He was totally mesmerised by her beauty. She was truly gorgeous. Her covers were off her body most likely because the room was too warm. The heating system was on and the fire place was burning too so Adele had felt too hot and had peeled off the covers and night gown.

Francesco slowly and carefully pulled the covers over Adele knowing she could feel abit chilly when the fire was going to burn out. He slowly dipped under the covers at the other side of the bed. As he took another look at his mesmerising angel sleeping next to him, he smiled at seeing Adele's left hand next to her shoulder on the bed. His ring was on her finger and the sight made Francesco's heart burn with desire. He slowly reached his hand to hers and gently held it in his. He couldn't resist it. He just wanted to feel the warmth of her palm on his as he went into a deep sleep.

Hours later Adele was tossing and turning in her sleep. She woke up from her nightmare breathing hard. She opened her eyes looking around her and took a sigh of relief as she noticed she was still in a hotel room and them she saw Francesco lying next to her close to the edge of the other side of the bed but his hand was stretched close to hers. She guessed he must have been holding her hand and she might have pulled her hand out.

Adele bit her lip as she was tempted to get close to Francesco to take a better look at him. She approached him slighting in her lying form. She took in his appearance. His half naked form was so handsome. His muscles looked rock hard being made by hours of work out which included daily push ups, sit ups, weightlifting and running. She envied him. But it wasn't just his looks that attracted Adele. She couldn't describe it but for some reason it made her feel safe to be closer to him. She became bold and leaned her ears closer to his chest hearing his heart beat. She felt even bolder and rested her head on his chest and closed her eyes. The sound of his heart beats made her calm down. She felt truly content, happy and safe. She had no idea how their engagement had made her admit to many feelings she was trying to deny. She loved Francesco. She truly did but her fear of him was what made her reluctant to act on her urges. Now she felt less fearful of him so things looked simple. She closed her eyes feeling much calmer.

Francesco felt a load on his chest, he instinctively thought it was an intruder and was about to react as he opened his eyes but he halted as he saw the sleeping form of his beloved.it seemed like a dream that he never though could come true as he was seeing with disbelief how his angel was welcoming his touch.

Francesco gently reached his hand on her hair and stroked her velvet like hair. He leaned closer and planted a kiss on her soft silky strands. He then inhaled her scent while taking a deep breath. He felt heavenly. Her touch, her scent, her presence made him feel so calm and in peace. He whispered " I love you so much."

Then he felt Adele moving slightly and opening her eyes from her deep sleep. She blushed as she looked up at Francesco " Oh .... Hi..." She then pulled away and retreated to her side of the bed but sleeping on her side looking at Francesco. She spoke quickly " I don't know what happened last night."

Francesco chuckled and slept on his side looking into her eyes " You slept on top of me last night. That's what happened."

Adele spoke " I must have tossed and turned. And you held my hand."

Francesco spoke " But you slept on me. It felt good to have you close to me and I held your hand until I fell sleep. I couldn't stop looking at that ring. You said yes to me last night. Now you will soon be officially Mrs Rosario."

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